The Challenge!

The Challenge: To take our nation back one heart at a time!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blessings ~ The Real Gift!

This week has been an amazing week! As the 1 year anniversary of my husband's entrance into his eternal home has approached, I knew I only wanted to celebrate! Not just to celebrate what God has done for me, which is unimaginable and, completely, unexplainable, but to celebrate Jim being home, knowing, now, by sight, what he only believed by faith to be true and real! To celebrate by my faith, what I only know in part, what Jim now knows fully!  Jim now sees his Savior face to face, he knows now, by experience, His complete and unconditional love; he knows complete peace! Oh, how I too, long to be home!

Though, without doubt, this has been the hardest year of my entire life, I can also say that I have never been so blessed! Jim was here one minute and was not the next, the void was massive, the loss was beyond anything I'd ever known and I couldn't stand, so God, in His great mercy, has carried me and taken care of me in ways I could have never imagined! He has been ever present!

This year my thoughts have be filled with heaven and a 1000 questions! How I've longed to see what Jim sees and to know what he now knows! I've been so blessed through his going home, in that it's caused me to be far more heavenly minded; it's caused me to realize that this life is but a vapor, we are here today and gone tomorrow. It's made me more conscious of not taking anything for granted, especially others and to be mindful of making every minute count ~ to be more mindful of purposing how I live each day. It's taken the fear of death away and made me long more to be home myself, to see my Savior face to face!

This year has brought to the forefront the height of my weakness, while, at the same time, bringing the depth of God's amazing love and presence front and center! God in His mercy took the tragic that grieved my heart til it felt like it was broken and then showed me Himself with such loving intimacy that my grief has been turned to complete joy and awe!

A year later, though it still hurts, I can still say, "My God is still enough ~ He is my ALL in ALL!" I couldn't have gotten through this without Him! He has sustained me, been my Comfort and given me the will to go on! He is my Hope and my Joy! Though, I can say, "Lord, I don't know how to move on from here ~ I don't want to be a victim, but a victor." I can also say with all confidence, that God's got me, completely ~ I am completely secure in Him and He will see me through one day at a time and one moment at a time! I look to Him, now, for everything!

God has brought many other widows into my path this year and they have been a great comfort to me ~ I have hung on their every word. Their compassion and willingness to take a moment to comfort has blessed me beyond words! Now, God's bringing me full circle and giving me opportunities to bless others too, to minister to those who have found their grief too hard to bear ~ to do the unimaginable, to be His hand, His feet, to minister as I've been ministered to ~ to be a blessing to another and that brings shear joy!

I'd love to be able to sit awhile with Jim right now and be able to share the excitement of the amazing things God has done this past year; but even more to hear the unspeakable awe of the things Jim has seen, to hear about his year in heaven and of our Living Lord that he now knows fully! How I long to be HOME, to see my Savior face to face, to hug Jim's face, but until then I will count the days and hours and I will seek with all my heart to be God's blessing to others!

God's grace has been His greatest gift ~ Jesus paid the price with His blood, He died in my place ~ He is my scape goat, He bore my sin and by accepting Christ as my Sacrificial Lamb, I have been claimed righteous, though I am a sinner, I have been saved by grace through my choice of faith, to believe what God says in His Word is true! There's nothing I can do or am asked to do for that wonderful gift of love, but simply believe by faith that His blood shed for me was enough to cover my sin!

The gift of Christmas has always been that Jesus came to save a lost world ~ but not all will believe, not many will accept His gift! I have opened that gift, but the blessing goes beyond that, the greatest gift is God in us, the hope of glory! When we choose faith, to believe and come to God on His terms, He deposits His Spirit within us, He abides in us! He will walk with us and then take us into glory! A little of heaven on earth!

Heaven has come to earth, but do you have eyes to see? Do you know our Living Lord? Do you know His voice? Do you know what it's like to walk with Him in the cool of the day? To know His peace? To know Him intimately? Do you know the depth of His love or the height of His amazing grace?

His Christmas message has always been: "Come all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest!"

The real Christmas gift lies in the verse below. Have you opened it?

Revelation 3:20 says,

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

There's much to celebrate for those that have eyes to see!

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except by Me."

He invites you to come! If you're reading this I am praying for you! Want you come?

P.S. Yes, for those of you who have followed me through my grief ~ God is still doing the unimaginable! The unexplainable! I am in awe of Him!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Taking The Time To Give Thanks!

We have so much to be thankful for, each and every day! There seems to be so many going through so many hardships, but even for those of you that may be struggling ~ even in the face of difficulty, there is soooo much to be thankful for, we are so blessed!

Even in my most difficult moment this year, God was blessing my socks off right in the midst of it all! He has not forsaken me or left my side, but often carried me; God has gone to great lengths this year to make sure I knew He was with me and that I could look to Him for ALL things! He has continued to provide for me in ways unimaginable and has lead me step by step and moment by moment. He truly has made Himself known to me, as my All in All! He has seen me through devastating loss; He knew my grief and was my Comfort. He provided my every need, daily, in unexplainable ways; He carried me when I thought I couldn't go on. He guided me when I didn't know what to do; He whispered to me in the night watches, when sleep would not come. He enveloped me, with Himself, when my heart was broken and seemly was all alone. He showed Himself to be the Lover of my soul, when I felt love had been lost. When I could get up, He lifted me; when I was downcast, He caused me to soar! When my life seemed to be turned upside down, in His steadfastness, He held me ever so close! He has remained my Stablizer, my Comforter, my Provider. When I lost the embrace of the love of my life, God's embrace and love was seen to be far greater! I am so richly blessed!

I'm so thankful for God's compassion for each one of us ~ because, even when we were His enemies, in sin and far from Him, He humbled Himself, in His great compassion ~ a Holy God did the unimaginable, He sent His One and Only Son to die in our place! He made a way for us that we might be reconciled to Him and be able enter into the Holy of Holies, making it possible to have an intimate and ongoing relationship with a Holy God, to know Him as Father! This is the greatest blessing of all! In His unconditional love, His Son who had never sinned, both man and God, chose, in obedience to God His Father, to willingly lay down His life that we might be saved from eternal death and be raised to eternal life! His sacrifice was enough, there's nothing required of us, nothing we can do to save ourselves, He did it all! We cannot be good enough, we have only but to accept God's sacrifice Lamb as our own. To come to God on His terms, is simply to recognize our own sin, our need for a Savior and to accept what Jesus did on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all, more specifically us! It's finished Jesus paid it all!

If you haven't, won't you accept Jesus Christ's substitutionary death, as your offering for your sin? His blood was shed on our behalf; there's nothing left for you or I to do, but to believe what God has said as Truth and receive His forgiveness. It is by grace through faith that we are saved, not of ourselves! We cannot earn entrance into heaven or be good enough ~ all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! We have to come to God on His terms. To make up who we believe God is and what we think we much do to be welcomed by Him is living by what we might call our own truth. Our salvation is found in His Truth! Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except by Me." What Truth do you live by, yours, your opinions, self made religion or by God's Truth?
There is only One Living God and He has clearly shown us the Way! What will you choose? To be your own god or to summit to Him and let Him be God?

May God bless you and yours today as you ponder all the many blessings God has bestowed on you! Happy Thanksgiving and God bless

Oh, the blessings that are made known to those who have a grateful heart ~ they are uncountable!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Possessed! Extreme!

I've always had a great respect and appreciation for anyone that is really gifted or talented at what they do! Today when we hear a really good singer, we might say, "They've got the X-factor!" or of a child, say that he or she is a child prodigy. A prodigy is someone that's recognized to have extreme talent.

Recently, online, I saw a video of a young 13 year old girl, Carly Rose Soneclar, who blew everyone away on X-factor with her "old soul"! Carly's audition video views, quickly, rose to the millions over night. Last week Carly awed her mentors and was called "possessed"! "She's like a little caterpillar and you think she's going to turn into a butterfly? DRAGON, burning and scorching up the town!" "Possessed"??? What are they saying? They are saying that Carly Rose Soneclar really wants this; she is pouring her heart, mind and soul into winning ~ she is giving it her all! She's focused! She knows what she wants and she's going for it! Carly is undistracted, unwavering!

What possesses you? We've all desired to be good at something, but "possessed"? Have you ever wanted something with your whole heart? Put your entire being into it? Maybe, at one time you did have those kind of deep convictions about something, but you lost hope ~ lost your focus ~ stopped believing!

God created us and has called us all to be "possessed" ~ He calls us to love HIM with all our "heart, mind, soul and strength". He's designed us all to be "possessed" with Him. He designed us with a void that was meant to be filled with Him. When we miss the importance of filling that void with Him alone and try to fill it with other things (our kids, husband, alcohol, food, sex, drugs, etc.) then we come up short, feeling empty. He longs for us to desire Him, to seek for that intimacy, that personal relationship; to search for Him with our whole heart. This is what I want! I want my intimacy with the Almighty to be my one obsession! It's what I want to long for, what I desire to pour my heart into ~ yet, I can, so easily, lose my focus and get distracted!

Satan doesn't have that problem! His focus is just fine! (unwavering) And yes, he is "possessed" with tripping me up ~ desiring my focus to be anything, but having a real and personal relationship with the Almighty God, my Creator. Why? Because he knows the power that that relationship will bring into my life and he'll do anything to stop it!

Recently, I've been overwhelmed, I've grown distracted by life's problems; I've allowed the pressures of this life to weary me. I've been focusing on the waves, instead of the One who has the power to calm them! How easily my convictions turn to mush! We can spend time with Him, but still focus and rehearse our fears; the fears, the fretting break that intimacy. We can come to fellowship, but not feel the intimacy and walk away still feeling empty. Without faith we cannot please God.

God just used a little 13 year old girl, with an extreme talent, a prodigy, to remind me of the importance of focus! It's so easy to talk about and so difficult to maintain! How's your focus? What's distracted you? What "possesses"you? I've been "possessed" with fear! Satan's been taking ground!

Choosing to put God as that one focus, that one obsession, will bring all else into focus and allow those extreme gifts and abilities that He's given to each one of us, those gifts that are hidden in Him to come to the forefront and to shine! Extreme begins with a mind that is focused on putting God first! Focus! Focus! Focus! Set that focus to unwavering and then God's power dials us up to EXTREME! He puts His "umph" behind our gifts and abilities! I want the X-factor when it comes to God! I want to major in EXTREME! How about you? I'm praying for you!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Vessels Of His Glory!

Waiting on God isn't easy ~ though, He meant for it to be! To wait, to rest in Him, should be effortless, but in our anxiousness, for things to happen in our time frame, instead of waiting on His, we often do anything but rest! We weary ourselves, with worry, impatience and reasoning ~ trying to solve problems or wonder about outcomes, when He's simply asking us to, "Be still. Wait on me."
Not waiting, when God says, "Wait." is really saying, "I have a better way." It's pride! We are really saying, "I know more than the Creator."We are trying to be our own god, seeking to take control, instead of trusting and waiting on His perfect plan. If you're like me, sometimes I'm still and trust and other times, I'm struggling against Him.
Sometimes, I feel like the Israelites ~ spiritual amnesia sets in. I can forget, so quickly, what He's just done! I can have seen His hand move in huge ways, on my behalf, and then find myself worrying and fretting ~ forgetting His faithfulness and provision.
How silly it seems to read about all God did in delivering the Israelites from Egypt and Pharoah's heavy hand; how He provided their every need, His Presence in a cloud over them and the manna from heaven and water from rocks ~ Don't you just wonder how they could be so forgetful and ungrateful? To see the detail with which He showed them His amazing love and provision and then see their self centeredness and bitterness when things didn't go their way. How easy it is to celebrate and praise Him in the blessings and how easy to grow angry and impatient in the trials!
How I long to be unwavering ~ to trust Him, completely; to learn to be content, in every situation like Paul, but I haven't arrived yet. I'm still a work in progress! I grow impatient! Don't you ever wish God would just send you a telegram or an email or speak with an audible voice? I'm my own worse enemy!
Fretting and worry cause a break in fellowship with the Almighty, because sin breaks that communion. I remember a professor telling our class: "When you don't know what to do, wait on God. Wait and pray!" But we don't like to wait, do we? We are the "now generation" and we like answers! An unwillingness to be still is a form of rebellion.
Moses and the Israelites grew very impatient with God's plan in showing Pharoah His signs and wonders. They were impatient to move out from under Pharoah's oppression, especially, as Pharoah grew angry and told his men to increase their labor. The Israelites were concerned about their comfort, God's focus was on His Glory being seen by the Israelites and the Egyptians.
I think about Joseph being sold into slavery and all he lost: family, position, dignity, power, freedom, etc. Yet God was refining him and showing him favor. God had a plan. Don't you think Joseph had to experience the sense of grief and loss; anger at his brothers, depression and discouragement. And later, being thrown in prison on false accusations, how do you think he felt?
Joseph was 17 years old when he was sold into slavery and 30 years old when Pharoah raised him up only second to him in position, in the kingdom. God, in His timing, raised Joseph up from the rubble and restored to him all that he'd lost and more. What do you think it felt like waiting all those years? Would you have grown angry at God?
Joseph's life challenges me! His response to hardships inspires me to choose praise, to be thankful, to be obedient in the toughest of storms! To choose, to strive to accept the difficult times with not only humility, but gratitude! I just wish I did it as well as Joseph did.
Because we are the child of The King, even in the most difficult of times, God is showing us favor! We are His image bearers ~ created to give Him glory! When we respond to the fieriest of trials with trust, obedience, patience and gratitude ~ we are being shown favor ~ because we are Vessels Of His Glory!
Oh, to be like Him!

When brought low, in God's perfect timing, He will raise us up again!

Psalm 71:19-24 says,
"Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens,
    you who have done great things.
    Who is like you, God?
20 Though you have made me see troubles,
    many and bitter,
    you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
    you will again bring me up.
21 You will increase my honor
    and comfort me once more.
22 I will praise you with the harp
    for your faithfulness, my God;
I will sing praise to you with the lyre,
    Holy One of Israel.
23 My lips will shout for joy
    when I sing praise to you—
    I whom you have delivered.
24 My tongue will tell of your righteous acts
    all day long,
for those who wanted to harm me
    have been put to shame and confusion."

To God be the Glory!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An Anchor That Holds!

It's a new day ~ another day to walk with the Lord and live in God's Presence! I don't know about you, but God alone, makes life doable for me! He is my Anchor, He holds me fast through the storms of life!

I''ve made a move across country to start a new life ~ alot of changes and more to come, but, God is my stability. The word stability means: firmness of position; permanence or continuance without change. God is my assurance, my security because He is the One thing in my life right now that hasn't changed!

1 Samuel 15:29 says,
"He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man, that He should change His mind."

Wow! Stop and mediate on that verse for a minute! I think about how fickle and "wishy washy" we can be as humans, but our God is immutable, He is unchanging! 

In my move, I've moved from a place of wide open spaces, beautiful scenery and solitude to a big, busy  city. I've moved from a location that was 10 minutes out from a small, quiet town that had one traffic light with the nearest mall being one and a half hours away! There were only 2 other houses on our dirt road in Teton Valley, Idaho and one was lived in only 3 months out of the year, the other only a couple weeks in the summer ~ I could hear the silence, there was no traffic; there was solitude to be found as Chessie and I took our walks. 

Change! I took Chessie to walk on Sunday and realized it was gonna be different. Chessie would have to be on a leash. We'd need a pooper scooper too; we'd be walking on sidewalks. Chessie and I covered two blocks and passed, probably 20 houses, before running right into the middle of a really loud domestic dispute that was turning violent. Change! Alot of change!

I'm seeking God for direction: a job, a church, ministry ~ a new life! All this can be overwhelming, but doesn't have to be. There's alot to do, but one thing is necessary, just one thing is above all the rest and will hold true and be necessary! Every day for the rest of my life, as long as I draw breath ~ I want to put my relationship with God first. The changes, the business, the need for job, church, ministry I can allow them to crowd God out. He is a daily choice! I will have to purpose to begin my day with Him and choose to keep Him at it's center every day, all day. Life doesn't get too busy for my need to find solitude and rest in Him, it only causes me to need Him more ~ He's my anchor, my stability ~ He keeps me steadfast!

The word steadfast means: steady, firm, constant, immoveable and unwavering. If I'm going to be steadfast in anything, I want to be constant in my intimate and close relationship with the Lord ~ not just when trials, stress or change move into my life, but every day. This morning, it's 4:30 a.m., as I begin this blog, even this busy street, all is silent ~ nothing's moving. The house is quiet, there's silence. I need the solitude, this time alone with the Lord and in His Word, to hear His voice ~ to seek His face, to know His will for the day ~ to get His perspective. Otherwise, I will move into my day choosing to go on feelings and find confusion in the many choices. We make many every day ~ for me, at the moment, there's many directions I can take in this day ~ but the best one, begins on my knees!

Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to mind: "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

God is all I need, He is still enough: we look to our own understanding, our own discernment, but His Word promises that if we trust in Him with all our heart and don't look to our own reasoning, but to Him, that He will make our paths straight! This time alone with God is the most important thing I will do today! If I accomplish nothing else, but choose to really connect with Him, I've succeeded. 

You may say, "Girl, you need to get yourself a job, you are prayed up, hit the ground running!" I understand and I get it, I sense that need too! But I have to tell you, my friend, I've learned by experience, my best move in any day, in any circumstance, is to rise before it's necessary on any given day and to "hit the ground on my knees". We will choose that as our first move, when we really believe that we can have a real and intimate relationship with the Living God and when we believe He acts on our behalf. Where we put Him in our day and in our lives, shows us what we really believe about Him!
Is He prominent in our lives, preeminent or non existent?

My God supplies all my needs! He can make a way for me, He moves on my behalf. I've got to tell you, if we're going on my resume and what Sheryl can do, I'm in deep trouble; but my God can do all things! He's held me fast, He's been my anchor through the loss of my husband, soulmate and best friend. He's counseled, guided and comforted me; He's provided and given me strength. He sustained me, when I felt I couldn't go on. He's taken the time to let me know, in great detail, the extent of His amazing love! (It's far beyond what we could think to imagine!)

I challenge you today, my friend ~ put God first, right up front, at the very beginning of your day! Make time for Him and choose to let Him be God, it will be the most important thing you do today. Make time to really be still, to breath in His truths and to hear what's on His heart ~ to truly know Him!
We were created to seek Him ~ we were created with a void that was meant to be filled with Him alone!

We choose what's important every day by our focus ~ what we really want to do, we do! How important is God to you? Is He first or is He last? Do you make time for Him or just feel guilty that you don't have time? There are 24 hours in every day and we can take control and make Him important or we can let time control us. More is not better ~ business doesn't make us important! Let's choose to simplify our lives ~ let's choose to put God first and watch Him work on our behalf to do those things only He can do.

I love you, my friend! Are you too busy? I'm too busy not to spend this time with Him! All my choices today are mind boggling, there are too many and it all adds to confusion ~ I choose to simplify, to be still before His throne, to begin in His rest ~ I can do without sleep, but I can not do without Him! I can forego the TV and go to bed earlier, but I need an Anchor today, an Anchor that holds!

Let God be your Anchor! Won't you choose Him? Put the Lord at the  first part of your day and let His Presence go with you all day to simplify your day ~ to bring rest, right in the middle of the chaos! He is unchanging, He's steadfast and He is an Anchor that holds! He will hold you through it all!

 May God bless your day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

God's Journey Mercies!

Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

This morning my eyes are on the Lord, looking to Him for the future, for the next step! I am excited about what He has in store for me, whatever it is!

I arrived in Columbus, Ohio on Thursday afternoon around 2 pm! I don't have internet service, where I am staying, temporarily, but was given the invitation over the weekend to "piggie back"by a neighbor. Lol. God continues to provide even the smallest of needs. I've been anxious to update you!

I am thankful to be here and for all of you that have prayed for me and followed me with your atlas. My GPS tried to hi-jack me and take me a short cut through the city of Columbus, like it did in Indianapolis. I was trying to avoid going through the cities, with a trailer in tow. Lol. The GPS lead me right into the middle of the construction in downtown Columbus with all it's detours. I've been told that most Columbus residents avoid downtown, at all costs ~ now, I know why!

I am so thankful for the help that was given in getting my car off the trailer and unloading the truck and getting it cleaned out and returned. I felt a total relief of responsibility when the truck and trailer were both no longer mine! Lol. I didn't mean to scare the people I did by the big "Yes!!!" that was yelled as I closed the door behind me! God's abundant grace and constant presence with me has carried me for months and He was ever present in my travels too. It was a bit intense at times, but He always saw me through!

Chessie is going through adjustments too! Her cousins, are 2 huge standard size poodles that are very loving and friendly, but friendly in that size can be intimidating, even by me! Chessie is adjusting better than expected, but does make her exit when "the boys," Jackson and Cody start to romp, bark and play. They sound like a herd of horses when running and look more like ponies, even to me. I imagine her perspective is a bit scarey, but she is adjusting.

I took the weekend to get unpacked and get settled and get a little rest. I really enjoyed visiting my sister and brother in- law's church on Sunday and getting to meet Liz, one of Jill's co-worker's I've been praying for. I think I cried through most of songs sung during the worship service ~  the words almost made me feel they had been hand picked for me! They really focused on the awe and greatness of our God!

I've found some job openings I'm interested in, so I've been putting together a cover letter and making a few changes in my resume this morning. God is Sovereign and it's all in His hands: where I will live work and minister. He has held me through it all and He won't stop now! I can fully depend on Him!

Psalms 32: 7-8 says,
"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you and watch over you."

I'm looking to the Lord to establish me, to guide and to direct. He's bought me with a price, I am not my own. I'm holding my life up to Him with an open hand ~ the "what's next" I've placed completely in His hands. I covet your prayers as I seek His face!

May God bless your day, as you seek to hold your life up to Him today, with an open hand! You may feel some resistance to let go and let God have control of your life, we all want control. We might find it easier to give control over in some areas than others.

Psalm 32:9-11 says,
"Do not be like the horse or mule which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him. Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart."

Psalm 33:20-22 says,
"We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us O Lord, even as we put our hope in You."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

God's Journey ~ A Day To Be Still!

Taking a day to be still ~

Chessie and I arrived in the little town of Crawfordville, Indiana last night ~ travel weary and needing a reprieve. Tuesday night's hotel guests in the room above us didn't need rest & were stomping around till 3 a.m. in the morning & then were up again at 5 a.m. when my alarm went off.  Lol. Yesterday, with only 2 and a half hours sleep was my hardest. I, literally, sang the words on signs to the tune of a nursery rhyme (Nick Nack Patty Wack) to get this far. Was just wiped out last night!
My stomach started giving me trouble night before last, thought it was the food at first, but know now, it is a need to de-stress.
Felt lead this morning, that it would be a good day just to be still and quiet. Sound crazy? You may be thinking, "Finish the trip!" I know, but as I prayed this morning and spent time with the Lord, I felt Him saying, "Be still." Lol. Activity and business are the watch words of our generation, our first response to anything & everything but to be still. We are so busy running to and fro, that when the opportunity arises to rest or to be still, we, actually feel guilty doing it! I can spend one day resting, or hours and money at the doctor's office for a prescription. Why ignore what's needed, just to be able to say, "I did it in five days!" What's the point?
This trip has been stressful, with the truck engine light coming on, the front tie down strap on the car I'm towing, coming off three times. There's been construction with narrow lanes with concrete block walls on both sides. With "no wide loads allowed."Complaining? No, I didn't, actually think I was that stressed. But yesterday with little sleep, brought a meltdown & I just know when it's time to "be still" renew and refresh! What's the hurry? One day, to be still and seek God's will ~ to know His Presence and to entrust the next chapter of my life unto His Sovereignty? It's called a relationship!
The Lord willing, tomorrow, Chessie and I will finish the last leg of our trip. Chessie's ready to be done! She use to love to go to ride, but we've taken it to new levels, so don't know that she will be so anxious to go for awhile. Wait till she sees the 2 loving standard poodles, her cousins, that look like ponies that are waiting to greet her in Ohio. Lol. They are both very loving and friendly dogs ~ Can't wait to see Chessie's response to their welcome! "Jackson" is a black standard poodle and weighs 95 lbs. dry and when on his hind feet with his front paws on my shoulders towers a head length above mine! (Chessie's had some culture shock of her own with the elevators, luggage carts and automatic doors & of course, a different room each night!) But wait till she sees the cousins! Cody is only 85 lbs.
I'm looking forward to hugging the necks of my family! Some of them that have called daily and some twice a day, for months, like my sister and my daughter, Jill and Aunt Jill.  I wish I was hugging you all tomorrow, but one day at a time, one step at a time! My love to you all! There are not words to express my gratitude to so many that have checked in on me, sent cards and letters and have been a part of what God is doing in my life. My thanks to each one of you!
"Chef Missy" sent along some of her famous granola with me on this trip! If you're ever in Jackson Hole, WY it's a must on the list of to do's. Missy takes granola to a whole new level! Love you Missy!
The Lord willing, we only have 221 miles to go tomorrow, till our final destination! Thanks for all the prayers and those of you that are texting & calling & following us with your atlas in hand! It's been more adventure than I would have ordered, but God has been with me all the way and so many of you, as well! Chessie sends her love! (She loved the long walk this morning!) We'll do it again this afternoon. May God bless you all!

Of Like Precious Faith,


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From The Majestic Mountains To The Open Plains

What great blessings we enjoy and take for granted by just being able to travel this great country of ours without question or visa ~ the freedom to rome it's highways and byways, yet we don't give that freedom much thought ~ we can take it for granted!
I'm making a move from Driggs, Idaho to Columbus, Ohio for now, trusting God to show me what's next. My husband, Jim went home to be with the Lord 9 months ago tomorrow and what happened next was amazing! You don't, expect to hear "amazing" following losing someone you treasure so deeply, but God met me in my deepest grief. He's taken the intimate relationship I've had with Him for years and has only driven it deeper through my loss. He's shown me Himself up close and personal. These months have been filled with great trials, but with even greater blessings! The trials are the opportunity to experience God's presence, His help, to know He is with you in every situation ~ to know He's got you. He's taken the time to show me, with great detail, that He is very present with me; it's been life changing for me.
Yes, my life won't ever be the same without Jim, the grief, at times has been unbearable, but God has met me, so personally, that even in those deepest hours of grief, when I had to be peeled off the floor, He  (God) met me in ways that caused me to soar. He's been my source of joy in the grief. To live in His presence and to serve Him is how I want to choose to live my life. I want to fill the vast void left in my life by Jim's absence with God. Only God can fill it ~ He, alone, is enough!
Life happens to us all ~ there are storms and problems, but He is our Anchor in the midst of them. We search for better times, for our dreams to be fulfilled and for happiness, but they are fleeting. True joy and peace is found in Him right in the middle of all that life brings our way. True joy is found in an intimate and on going relationship with the Living God.
I don't know how anyone could go through such loss without Him; He's has carried me, sustained me and met my every need. If we didn't have needs, we wouldn't know He could meet them. If we didn't have problems how would we know He was the solution.
This move has been filled with trials ~ I rented a moving truck & dolly to make a move across the country after selling all I could in a two day moving sale. Wearied from moving 2 floors of stuff outside for the sale, I watched God make it all go away. He is so faithful! There was packing of what little was left, more throwing away, cleaning the house from top to bottom and then the move itself.
Upon renting the truck and dolly, the sweetest couple loaded my car for me and showed me all the steps, tie downs and chains; He handed me my keys and said, "It's ready to go." Forty minutes later I arrived back in Driggs, at my house, with the car in tow only to discover that my car had not only had the emergency brake left on, but was still in park. (I'd felt no drag!)
Of course, my journey across country was delayed ~ insurance companies & paperwork. It was the holiday weekend and no one was available to come out and access the damages & take pics and etc. (Fully understandable) So, I tried to accept the delay, to take a different perspective ~ I chose to believe God was acting on my behalf and to take advantage of the time to get some much needed rest.
Thursday, was when the damage to my car took place, my church family loaded the truck for me while I made all the calls. Friday I was given the okay to tow the car to my mechanic and the engine light on the moving truck came on which added more calls. All on hold till after Labor Day, till the adjustors could agree on who was going to come the hour and a half to access the problem.
The house was all but empty, the truck loaded. I'd cleaned out the refrigerator, stopped the garbage service and turned off my internet service and now had no vehicle that was drivable. The insurance companies said, "No." to a rental. So, I chose to believe God wanted me to rest and took the holiday weekend to do so.
Our mechanic had always been a blessing, but was a God sent in this situation! He knew our car inside and out and he'd saved Jim and I money over and over again. This time he went over and beyond again and again. He did all the work on my car himself instead of letting one of his mechanics do the work. Aaron worked long hours, with the adjustor coming out 3 days in a row & both documenting every move. Aaron had to prove reason to take anything apart ahead and prove that the brakes, clutch, and differential were burnt out. He saved my bacon many times over! His ordering parts ahead saved me days and on Saturday when I was loading the last things on the truck and closing the door behind me, he was test driving the car and calling the moving truck company demanding they switch out the dolly for a full tow trailer at no extra expense. How many mechanics can you claim have your back in a situation like this? (Yes, I tipped him big!)
Saturday's departure was delayed by the time to change trailers, but once it was loaded, the long planned journey began. Sunday as I was coming into Laramie, Wy. the engine light on the truck came on again. There were more calls, to cover myself. I'd had it checked by my mechanic the first time only to find it was "a random misfire". With that information and no noices or changes in the engine, I was given the go ahead to continue with the light on.
The first night I'd spent in Rawlins, Wyoming, with the challenges of finding parking for the truck & trailer & hotel that was pet friendly. I'd started late and drove late which left me finding a room and parking hard to find.
The second day was met with construction and 12 miles of narrow roadway with concrete walls on both sides ~ I spent the night in North Platte, Nebraska and was really, unusually, wiped out that night. Chessi, my cockapoo, has found all the changes unnerving, but is adjusting.
The third day's challenges were some sleepiness around 11 am getting through all the interchanges in Omaha. The day ended with a stop for the night in a heavily congested area just on the other side of Demoine, Iowa. I'm glad I've been faithful to check the tie downs on the trailer for the car and all the chains and hook ups at every stop. Last night's challenge was finding a front tie down had come off one of the front tires of my car. God was good and provided two power electric guys willing to help.
Today's challenges only God knows, but it's 3:30 am and the people upstairs have been stomping around all night, so I expect sleepiness to be an issue. I want to get a jump on the work traffic and then there's Indianapolis to get through, the Lord willing. I'd like to get on the other side of Peoria today if I can. Well, it's 4:30 am and the alarm's set for 5. I say let's roll and stop for a nap when tired!
So many people praying for me, calling and texting! Several are following my journey across country by atlas ~ how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends and family! I am greatly blessed!
I miss my church family, my friends at Driver Provider and our mountains and the wide open spaces teaming with wildlife. But God is Sovereign and He makes us ready when He's ready for us to move on. I never imagined desiring to leave such a great place!
I've said good by to the majestic mountains and wide open spaces, crossed the opened plains and passed through the dust of the fields being harvested. Now, I'm moving in to the congested cities, road construction and interchanges. There's miles of open road behind me and before me and the blessing and freedom to choose anyone. Freedom is a huge blessing, that we need not to take for granted!
My greatest freedom is found in Christ! To live within His boundaries, His commands, bring freedom not imprisonment, they are not burdensome, but set me on a path to live within the joy of His intimate presence. Living in His presence, is a freedom that no one can take!
The journey I'm on is not mine, but the Lord's, because I'm not leading, but following. There's a peace that comes with letting go of the reigns, not having to be in control and trusting God to make a way for me ~ to establish me. I'm excited about this new chapter in my life! There is still the grief and missing Jim, but with God in the equation, the greatest trials, bring greatest blessings!
God is real and alive and can be known by experience, when we come to Him on His terms! He is a very present help in trouble ~ He is my All in All and without Him the last 9 months ~ well, I just don't know how people do it without Him! I am so grateful I don't have to!
May God bless your day and may you be aware of His presence with you ~

Sunday, September 9, 2012

He Is Sovereign Over Us

God is Sovereign over us, whether we accept it or not!

Acts 17:24-27 says,
The  God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man He made everything else. From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places they should live. 

Some versions say He sets their boundaries. God is changing my boundaries. I've been busy for weeks  going through everything, throwing out and preparing for a moving sale; then packing and more throwing away. By circumstances out of my control He moved my departure from  August 31 from our beloved Teton Valley to September 8th. I am missing our (my) church family in Wilson this morning. What a blessing they have been to me! God is writing a new chapter ~ He's taking me on a new adventure with Him.

I welcome His Sovereignty ~ I am His and long to be where He wants me to be, to do what He wants me to do. I miss Jim more than is even imaginable ~we take so much for granted! He's home now, though, and God is not finished here with me yet. I don't want to spend a life time grieving over what I don't have, but living every day to the fullest and for His glory!

I do not know where God will place me, but I will let it be of His choosing! I want to follow, not try to be god and lead. Following is not being indecisive, it is making a choice to be under His Sovereignty willingly without resistance. It's recognizing His Lordship and bowing a knee. It's understanding who He is and it's living in the freedom of His blessings over choosing to live for ourselves. Submission isn't always easy as far as the human will is concerned, but how simple it makes our lives to simply follow.

God never intended us to walk alone, but to live everyday in His Presence, to know Him intimately and to blessed by the simplicity of following in His steps ~ living the life He created for us.

May God bless your day! It's another day of travel for me as God is leading me east today toward a new place, a new life! Change isn't easy, but with God in the equation it is always an adventure!

Leaving from Rawlins, Wy this morning, with God as my guide!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A New Chapter, Moving Forward With Expectant Hope!

We've become people of action; people that respect decision. "Do anything, even if it's wrong, but do something! God can't steer a parked car!"But when God says, "Wait!" waiting is not indecision, it's obedience!

It's hard to wait, we're always ready to get on with it. "Let's getter done!" We're ready to move ahead, conquer and overcome, but just because we think we're ready, doesn't mean that God agrees. We don't see things from His perspective and hearing His, "Wait!" is just as important as each and everyone of His other commands. To not wait, when we know God has ask us to be still, is disobedience and peer pressure doesn't change that. "Wait" means wait and that's all wait means.

We're used to taking a problem head on and forming a plan of action and running with it! To "be still" and not know why, when it doesn't make common sense, seems foolish; we push to make things happen ~ we want to take control! We don't always give our children the details when we say "wait," but we expect them to hear it and act on it. Our "wait" always has their best interests at heart, their failure to obey could bring devastating consequences.

I feel like I've waited months, desiring to get on with my life, but have sensed God's restraint and there always seemed to be that one more thing to do. There's been the need for healing, many things to take care of. It's been 8 months, today, since Jim went home to be with the Lord. My life, in but a moment, was turned upside down, never to be the same again. No longer a couple, but one; no longer a pastor's wife; but God used that brokenness and change for good ~ to build a deeper, stronger and more intimate relationship with Him.

God hasn't forsaken me, He's filled the void with Himself! He's carried me, comforted and counseled! For 8 months, He has met my every need ~ He's taken care of me, completely. He's provided in ways, like Jim's dad says, "Well, it's just unexplainable" ~ unimaginable ways! It's made a huge impact on my life, how I view God has been forever changed. I've seen His care first hand; He's shown me the depth of His love in ways I've never seen. There's no other explanation for what's taken place, but that it's been Him. I don't know why, but He's taken the time to show me Himself, up close and personal. The depth of His love has only bred a deeper love and trust, a desire to be with Him, to follow Him, no matter what.

The blessings have been as great or greater than the grief! He's caused me to soar, just when I needed to be peeled off the floor! He's shown me Himself, the depth and height of His love, when the void seemed larger than the Grand Canyon. He has walked and talked with me, as if we were face to face, when I appeared to be all alone. Not only do I not want to forget it, I want Him to keep me here, whatever that takes. I know if left to myself, I will move away, I know my frame. I don't want to move on with life, as if He never happened, but to remain, to abide and go deeper still.

There's a light, now, at the end of the tunnel! God seems to be bringing closure, here. I'm finally, coming up on a moving sale next weekend, a move seems to be but weeks away. There's mixed emotions, leaving those I care about and love here; but I want to go with God and that will always move me out of my comfort zone. I do not know the assignment, but only know we're going to the east coast and then He will show me what's next. He still requires me to trust Him, one day at a time, one step at a time. God has promised to establish me and I believe He will; He's done all He's said He would do, He will do this too!

For those of you that I know are following my blog that have lost spouses too, I continue to pray for you, daily! One of you is about 6 months ahead of me and two of you are about 6 months behind me. You have all been an inspiration to me! We have all handled it differently, every situation is unique, but what we all have in common is Jesus as our Lord ~ He has been our comfort! May God bless and keep you, as you look ahead to Him, as your expectant hope. I know it's difficult, and beyond overwhelming, but I know God will continue to see us through. I know there are stages of grief and loss and sometimes they are repeated. I pray God will hold you fast at whatever stage you find yourself in today, as only He can do ~ you can trust Him for that. It's been good for me to be still and work through the grief before making any big moves; God knows us better than we know ourselves. We can trust He knows best!

I know I have become more heavenly minded through this, as more of those whom I treasure, so deeply, are there; but, as I seek the passions of God's heart, my heart becomes more burdened for the lost. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain, but what about those that would perish? I don't want to live a life grieving over what I've lost, but to celebrate what Jim has gained and to live the life I have left for eternity's sake. I want to move beyond the grief, to a God centered life, to love Him with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and to have a love for others.

There's more changes ahead ~ a move to the east coast and then a move from there, to whatever God calls me to: finding work, a new church family, ministry, whatever. And there's the leaving behind of those I've come to love here, my church family, coworkers and friends. Change doesn't come easy! With so much change, I'm all the more grateful for what remains the same: God never changes ~ He is always the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Though, I haven't been writing blogs, recently, you're on my heart, I haven't forgotten you, I pray for you! I'm still sitting at His feet, but turning to do what He's given me to do. Know I'm praying for each one of you! I covet your prayers, as well, as I step in faith to follow after God, seeking to be in total surrender, to do whatever He asks, wherever He leads. May God bless each one of you! Lord willing, I will be able to return to the blogging I so enjoy, soon! But for the moment, the waiting is over and action is required to be in obedience.

Keep seeking! The love relationship is key to knowing God's will and hearing His voice! We must remain in the Vine, daily! It's like manna, yesterday's bread, grows stale, we have to feed ourselves the Word, fresh and anew each day. Each morning to align ourselves with Him, to know what's on His heart and what's important. May God bless you and keep you! Lord willing, I'll be back soon, but until then keep abiding!

Of Like Precious Faith,


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Obedience, Our Outward Expression Of Love For God

Obedience is our outward expression of our love to God, it displays our love relationship with Him. He identifies our love for Him by our obedience. Yes, it's by grace (unmerited favor) and through faith that we are saved, but faith requires obedience in action ~ without faith, there is no life. Without faith it's impossible to please God. If we love Him, through obedience (faith in action) then He seals us with His Spirit, forever ~ the Spirit of Truth. We are His, His Spirit lives in us!

John 15:14-21 says,
"If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever ~ the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love Him and show myself to him."

Jesus says that those who obey His commands are the ones that love Him. He says that those who love Him, the Father will, also, love and God rewards our obedience by showing Himself to us.

How can we know we have come to know Him?

1 John 2:3-6 says,
"We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands. The man who says, 'I know Him, ' but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did."

Obedience, to God's Word, walking as Jesus did, is the outward expression of our love for God, it displays our love relationship with Him. The lack of obedience is a love issue!

When we come to that moment of truth, that point of decision of whether to obey God or not, it will show what we truly believe about God. We will not obey unless we believe Him and trust Him and we won't believe and trust Him unless we love Him, which requires recognizing the depth of His love for us and we cannot recognize His love for us and love Him unless we first know Him.

God's commands give us a new knowledge and understanding of Him and His character as He draws us and reveals Himself to us. As we come to know His Word, His commands, we come to know Him, more intimately. As we come to know Him and love Him, we will obey Him and come to know Him by experience; if we do not obey Him, it indicates that we do not know Him.

Jeremiah 7:23 says,
"Obey me, (our part) and I will be your God and you will be My people. (His part) Walk in all the ways I command you, (our part) that it may go well with you." (His part)

Deuteronomy 28:1,8 says,
"If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow His commands I give you today, (our part) the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth~ The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to."(His part)

Deuteronomy 28:15, 20 says,
"If you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all His commands and decrees I am giving you today ~ The Lord will send on you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking Him."

Obedience is the difference in success and ruin!

Luke 6:46-49 says,
"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears My words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."

Obedience is important! It's our love language to the Lord! It's the difference in rock or sand! Is your house built on a firm foundation, are you saved by grace through faith (obedience in action) or is your house built on sand, you do not hear God's words and do not put them into practice!

Faith without action is dead. Faith requires the action of believing God to the point of obedience. Without faith it's impossible to please God!  Obedience expresses our love for God and displays our love relationship with Him to others. Others see God in our obedience. As we follow Him we experience Him working in us and through us in many ways. To follow God requires the total surrender of the will. May God bless you as you seek Him, may you find Him and understand the depth of His love for you, then you will obey Him fully!

In Matthew 12:50 Jesus said,
"For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."
We have to know His will to do His will and those that do His will become His family! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

To Go With God Requires Sacrifice and Change

As believer's we all look forward to God speaking and giving us the big assignment. The problem is that when God speaks and gives us an assignment it always requires big changes! We, often, don't want to move out of our comfort zone, but to follow God we can't stay where we are.

Since a God assignment is always only what God can do, it will look too big, as we look at our ability and resources, but if we choose to believe God will do what He says He will do, in us and through us, we will respond in faith. We will have to make big adjustments to follow Him in obedience.

When Jim and I felt God was calling us to return to Homer, Alaska to help plant a church, first we had to believe it was God speaking to us and that He would do what He said He would do, to respond in faith. We, also, had to believe God could use us to be apart of what He was planning to do. We had no experience, but only God's call. It was big deal! We would have to leave family and friends behind, move 4,933 miles away from where we were. We would have to believe God would provide for us to make the move, as well as provide housing and jobs. There were alot of adjustments to make. He told us where we were going, but we had to trust Him to provide housing and jobs when we got there.

We felt led to pay off all our bills before going and to have a moving sale to down size. By making these adjustments, we were putting faith in action. We were believing and acting on that belief that we had heard God speak and that He would use us to be apart of what He was planning to do. We always want to move from the hearing of the assignment to doing it, but there are always adjustments to make and God always brings the character up to the assignment.

Abraham had to make huge adjustments in what he was doing to follow God. He was living in Ur and would have to leave all his goals and dreams he had there behind. He had to leave family and friends, huge sacrifices were made to do God's will. There was much he had to do before, actually, setting out for the place God said He'd show him. He would have to decide what to do with what he was leaving behind and prepare for travel that which he was taking with him. Adjustments take time!

Unlike us, Abraham didn't know where he was going! Ever set out to go somewhere, but didn't know where you were going? This wasn't a surprise birthday party, "Cover your eyes, we're going for a short ride, open your eyes!" This was leaving for life, and moving to a place you didn't know, to do what God you'd never done before; trusting God to reveal His will, one step at a time! This was a big deal!

To go with God requires faith! Faith requires action, believing God will do what He said He'd do and that He can do it through you! It requires big changes, total surrender and it requires obedience, no will of your own, but simply to follow His desired will. We all want the big assignments, but are we really willing to make the big sacrifice, to move out of our comfort zones, to leave so much behind?

Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Gideon, the disciples, Paul, etc. all had to sacrifice and leave what they were doing, their plans, their goals, their lives and make huge changes to obey and follow all God was asking them to do. God given assignments require big change, you can't stay where you are and go with God. Doing God's will, will have great costs and require big sacrifices, but ask anyone who's done it and they will tell you, it was worth it all!

To go with God is to know His Presence and to witness God doing what only He can do! God shows you Himself, in ways you've never seen Him! You get to see Him as Provider, because God always provides for what He's doing! The sacrifice is a great, but the blessings far out weigh the sacrifices! May God bless you, as you seek to follow Him in full surrender to His will!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Wow Factor, Beyond Our Ability And Resources

When Moses agreed to join God in a task that was far beyond his own ability, He got to experience God doing something only He could do! (But so did those around him) His brother Aaron, Pharoah and his army, the Egyptian people, the Israelites; all got to see God at work in and through Moses, doing something only God could have done. Mose was just the channel through which He did it! Moses was God's mouthpiece, His hands and His feet!

Pharoah experienced what only God could do through the signs and miracles Moses did before him; as well as the plagues, which God turned on and off at His will. God would announce the consequences for not letting His people go and it would happen just as God said.

The Egyptian people experienced God through the going and coming of the plagues, but, also, being plundered by the Israelites. God said they'd plunder the Egyptians when they left; the women were to ask for clothing and articles of silver and gold. Don't you wonder, after the Israelites left, if the Egyptians asked themselves, "Why did we give them all that?"

The Israelites were told by Moses, what God said He was going to do before He did it and then got to experience God fulfilling all He said He was going to do. They experienced more harsh treatment at first, but God had mercy on them. They experienced the plagues happening to the Egyptians, but not in their own towns. (Think about that a minute! That's amazing in itself) They experienced the Egyptians giving them clothing and articles of silver and gold, as God said they would. They, also, experienced God opening up a road through the Red Sea and walking across on dry ground, as the Egyptian army was pursuing them; at God's command the waters returning to their place taking the Egyptian army out with it. There was the manna and quail and water from a rock. Clothes that didn't wear out! Moses and the people around him were impacted as they experienced God doing only what He could do. They experienced God's Presence with them!

People, often, look at God's people today and may see them doing nice and kind things; but, how is the world going to get excited about God, if we aren't joining Him in any activity that is beyond our own ability and resources? When people see God at work, and come face to face with Him, by experience, they believe! They come to know Him as the Living God, present with us!

Are we at a point of faith and obedience in our Christian walk that we would be willing to abandon our life, our wants and dreams, to join God in what He's doing to save a lost world, that only He could accomplish through us? When God's character is revealed to the people around us, by experience, they will believe and be saved! Are they coming to know Him by His living presence in our lives? Are we allowing the wow of God to be seen in us?

God is doing something in my life right now that only He could do! He is impacting those around me for His glory! He is doing the unimaginable, the unexplainable, that could only be of God! People have tried to explain it away, but you can't ignore the impact of the unimaginable! He is impacting lives! He's impacting me! I am in awe of His amazing love and what He's done for me! When God is experienced people's lives are changed! I will never be the same! It's impacted my sister, my niece, my cousin. It's impacted my friends! (Not me, God, God is doing the impacting!)

I want to spend the rest of my life, in full surrender, joining God, in what only He can do, but I need God's help to do that! If you're like me, I can want to be a living sacrifice, but be found crawling off the altar. It will requires faith to join God in His activity, it will always be bigger than us, it requires faith. Faith requires action! God's work will not be something I dream to do for God, it will not be in my ability or with my resources, but in Him, alone. Daily, I will need to look for His activity, to be able to join Him in what only He can do! It will mean laying down my life, my dreams, my self centeredness and focusing on His will, what He's doing, being God centered! It will mean adjusting my life, daily, to Him!

I cannot cause a person to be inquisitive about the things of God, but when I see someone asking questions, like my mail lady and my cousin, I know God is at work, doing what only He can do; He's drawing them! (I need to drop what I'm doing and be apart of what He's revealing to me that He is doing!) When I see someone like my sister and my niece on fire for God, young in the Lord, digging in the Word and asking questions, I know this is God at work, something only He can do! It's my invitation to drop what I'm doing and to join Him! He's doing it, not me, He alone is glorified!

A life sealed in God's Spirit, walking in obedience to His truths and in complete surrender to His will is a powerful life! Ordinary people like you and like me, are extraordinary because of God in us! We are here as a living testament that God is alive and came to save the lost. We are to be a channel in which His love and forgiveness can flow to a lost world! Have we heard the call or are we, distracted by many things?

As a believers in Christ, we are the armies of the Living God! Our response to our daily struggles speaks louder than our words, it tells others what we really believe about Him! What do our actions and responses to this life tell others we really believe? Do we really believe God can do something in us and through us, that goes far beyond our abilities and resources? If the people around us are only seeing what we can do, they are seeing us, not God! Experiencing God, through us and in us, doing what only He can do, brings the "wow factor" right into the lives of others and they will never be the same, when they come face to face with the LIVING God!

Are we moving beyond self centeredness to make ourselves available to do what only He can do? Is our love relationship with God impacting the lives of those around us! It should be, what happens in worship doesn't stay in worship! God's Presence in our lives should wow those around us and cause them to question the hope we have in Him! People are looking for hope, for answers! Truth and Hope are a person, we need to let His Presence in us, been seen by others! It will be life changing!

Monday, July 23, 2012

In A Crisis, A Decision Will Be Made

God has the right to expect His children, who have an understanding confidence in Him, to be the reliable ones, when the storms of life hit! We are to be established, rooted and built up in Him, grounded in Truth. (Truth is a Person, Jesus Christ)

When a storm blew up on Christ's disciples in the boat, that was being tossed on the raging sea, their circumstances caused them to fear they would perish. But the truth of their circumstances, was (Christ) who is Truth was in the boat! Jesus was with them and Jesus stood and calmed the storm! He asked them, "Do you still have no faith?" The truth of their circumstances wasn't as it appeared to be!

A crisis will reveal, quickly, what we rely on! If we've been practicing worship and trusting in God in our day to day smaller struggles, a crisis may shatter our life and even take us to the breaking point, but not break us. If we have found God to be our Sustaining Power in our smaller difficulties, a Refuge, and a source of Strength; then like children practicing for a fire drill, when the "Big Fire Burns" (the crisis) then we know where to go! We've got a practiced response; we know who to turn to and have come to trust Him to hold us fast!

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:7-8,
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God, not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."

In this passage above, Paul speaks of this extremely valuable message of salvation by grace, through faith, in Jesus Christ that has been entrusted, by God, to His children who are weak and fallible human beings, ("jars of clay"). Paul's emphasis, though, is not on the perishable container (us), but it's priceless contents, which is God Himself dwelling in us, the believer. Though we are frail, God intends to and can use us right in the middle of the storms of life, a crisis, to be a living testament to others of the power of His Spirit in us. He doesn't give us strength, He is our Strength! He sustains us! He doesn't give us rest, He is our Rest! Paul's every intention was to for this message to be proclaimed, at all costs!

Knowing this power is not of ourselves, should keep us humble and motivate us to abide, daily, in His Presence; to come to Him for that needed spiritual renewal. God is our source of power; it's our responsibility to allow others to see God through us, by how we live. The question is: What does our life say, in this moment, about who He is? What do our actions say, to others, about what we really believe about God?

Paul goes on to encourage us in verse 16, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though, outwardly, we are wasting away (our physical bodies are dying), yet, inwardly, we are being renewed day by day." (This is the Spirit's power working in the believer to renew us spiritually). He continues in verse 17, "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." (Though we may feel we are at a breaking point, at the end of our rope, we are not at the end of our Hope! Though our mortal bodies are subject to sin and suffering, God will not abandon or forsake us.) Verse 18: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (Christ's victory over death has given us eternal life. All of our trials and humiliation are only opportunities for Christ to demonstrate His power and Presence in us and through us, even more so, in our frailty and weakness!) The real truth of our situation lies in Christ. It may appear all is lost, but with Christ in the equation, all things are possible!

When a crisis knocks on the door of God's children, our first response should be to find shelter in the shadow of His wings. We can run to Him! He can bring peace and praise, to His children, who place their confidence in Him, right in the middle of the most difficult of trials!

Like Paul and Silas, though having been severely flogged and put in prison with their feet in stocks, our first response in crisis can be to be a sacrifice of praise (they could sing praises of His steadfast love), we can too! They were confident that they would not be forsaken and had no fear of death; for they knew, with all their hearts, for them to live was Christ and to die was only to gain! Their songs of praise rang through the prison walls and their faith unleashed God's Sovereign Grace in all it's power! The unimaginable, that which God takes great pleasure on bestowing on those that love and trust in Him took place! He showed them the power of His Presence, a spiritual marker to never be forgotten! An earthquake shook the foundations of the prison and all the prison doors fell open and the chains fell off of all who were inside! The jailer fell at their feet and was begging to know how he could be saved that day and God was glorified!

Throughout all history, from creation to the present, Old Testament and New, God's redemptive plan to save a lost world has been His theme! What overwhelming love, for Him to give His only Son to die in our place, to save us, who were in that moment, still His enemy, who really wanted no part of Him. Unimaginable really! For those who turn to trust in Him, He places His Spirit within us! Our calling, (now, having been bought with a price, the blood of His only Son), even in "these jars of clay" is to carry His message of salvation, in the power of His Spirit (in the midst of our weakness) and yes, even in crisis, to a lost world!

Crisis? A storm of life? Crisis comes from a word that means "decision."Every crisis, every storm will bring us to turning point, a point of decision: Who or what will we rely on and put our trust in? For the child of God, let Him be our every confidence! Abiding in the Vine, who is our every source of strength, will bring daily spiritual renewal and rest. It is Him who will carry us through to the other side!

If you are enduring a storm or crisis today, may God bless you and keep you and may you know, with all confidence, Him as your very present Help in trouble and as your Rest! May your first response be to run into His loving arms! And though crushed, may you only be moved to worship the One you've come to know, by experience, loves you so completely!

God's Call Requires Faith!

The sun has not yet raised it's fiery head above the Tetons, this morning. There's stillness and silence, as the world, in my neck of the woods, is still asleep. My phone is not ringing, there is no one knocking at my door ~ the day hasn't yet begun. This is the most precious and important part of my day! A love relationship with the Lord is the most important thing I will ever do in my life!

The quality of my love relationship will determine the outcome of my entire day ~ whether I will choose God's perspective or mine. Will I choose to walk in obedience to His Word or in my own way? It will make a difference in how I value my relationships with others and whether God is seen in me or not. It will impact how I will choose to use my time. I only get one chance at this 24 hour day, it will pass, quickly, and I won't see it again. How will I choose to spend it?

This time with the Lord, isn't about me, but about aligning myself with God, my Father, and His plans and purposes ~ to draw near, to worship and to know what's on His heart, what He's doing today! What I may think is important and may choose to focus on, may not be important at all. God knows all things! If I don't align myself with Him, I may spend the whole day working and planning for something that may never happen!

God speaks to me through His Word, they are instructions for life! When I walk in His commands I find freedom, I reap many blessings by walking in them. I show my love to Him by keeping them and He promises to love me and show Himself to me, because I am obeying them. (John 14:21)

This morning, God's been speaking to me about that place we reach when God has spoken to us, like He did with Joshua at the walls of Jericho, Moses at the burning bush, Gideon at the wine press; it's that place we reach, that turning point, that point of decision, that shows what we believe about God. Let me explain.

Point of decision: Would we have had the faith to tell a whole army to walk around the walls of Jericho and believe they would fall down at the sound of the trumpets? God said it, but then Joshua was brought to a point of decision: Would he believe God and act in faith? Would he give the order?

What about Moses? He had fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian. Now, he's being asked by God to return to Egypt and tell Pharoah that God has instructed me to tell you are to let His people go. Moses had to decide if he believed if God would do all that He said He would. God's plan was to save Israel out of slavery. Moses had to decide if He believed God could do it through him. He struggles with it: "I'm not eloquent." and later in the conversation he begs God to send someone else. Moses wavered, as he contemplated this God size task. He realized it was way over his head, but he did choose to believe God and stepped in faith.

God approached Gideon at the wine press and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?" Gideon had to decide if He believed God could use him to save Israel. Gideon even asked, "How can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Mannasseh, and I am the least in my family." The Lord answered, "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together." Gideon had a choice to make, was he going to believe God or turn away in disbelief.

We can find many examples throughout scripture. When God speaks to His people and calls us to be a part of what He's doing, we are always going to come to that point of decision, that will show what we believe about God. Do we really believe God will do what He says He will do and do we believe God can use us to be apart of His plan?

What we do next, says more about what we believe about God, than what we believe about ourselves!
Every time God speaks to me, I come up against the decision whether I will believe God and act upon that belief or whether I will doubt and walk away. Will I believe God and take action, the step of faith to obey or will I choose to turn and go my own way in disobedience?

God spoke to Jonah and told him to go to Ninevah. Jonah heard God, clearly, but he turned and ran in the other direction, he sailed for Tarshish. God disciplined Jonah! It took Jonah being swallowed by a big fish to get his attention! What will it take to get ours?  Then Jonah obeyed God and went to Ninevah and did all God asked him to do.

Has God spoken to you? Has He asked you to be apart of something He's doing? Maybe you have a call on your life, God spoke to you, but you are avoiding what God asked you to do? Maybe, God asked you to be a part of something that's God sized, bigger than you! What you do next will show what you really believe about God. When God invites us to be apart of something He's doing, it will always be something only He can do. We will realize, that we cannot do what He's asking us to do ourselves. We have to decide if we believe God will show up and do what He says He will through us.

God's invitation to be a part of what He's doing will always test our faith. Faith requires action. Without faith, it is impossible to please God!

If you walked away from God in disbelief, make it right. Ask God's forgiveness and go back to the last thing God asked you to do. God keeps His promises! Take courage, move against the fear and step in faith! I'm praying for you!

These aren't once in a life time decisions, we make them everyday! Ask yourself today, what do your thoughts and actions say about what you believe about God? Do they proclaim His Faithfulness to a lost world or do they proclaim Him unworthy of your trust?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sockless, Barefoot For Life!

God continues to bless my socks off, taking care of me in "unimaginable ways" just as He promised! We have an understanding, according to His instructions, I'm to tell Him, alone, of my needs and He supplies!

This evening, I was returning from running some errands in Rexburg, about 35 minutes away. I was on a route that has 65 mph speed limit, but my steering wheel, recently, started shaking when I hit speeds of 55-60. I had my tires balanced about 3 months ago, when I had my oil changed, but obviously, it's not  gonna wait till the next oil change. I knew I needed to call and make an appointment. I need new tires and now seems like the perfect time to purchase them, with the tires needing to be balanced. But this week, I've felt God's restraint; I heard His, "Wait."

So, I asked the Lord tonight on the way home, "I know you said You wanted me to use the money  You've already given me needs to go toward medical bills." I need new tires, I don't want to be illegal, please send me the $500 to get them. (I called to set an appointment to have the tires balanced and they gave me an appointment at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning.)

When I got home, I was unloading the car, when I got a telephone call. The person on the other end was calling to tell me that they felt led to call me and tell me they were putting a check for $500 in the mail tomorrow and wanted to let me know! Lol. I told them about my conversation with the Lord on the way home and we both rejoiced in God's goodness! God supplies all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!

Our Heavenly Father knows what we need, before we even ask!

Matthew 6:25-34 says,

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

I'm not special! God takes care of ALL His children! ALL His children are special because He is our Father! That's what makes us special! We obey God's truths and He keeps His promises!

Every promise has a premise! The premise is our part, the promise is God's part! We do our part and God fulfills His part! The premise (our part), in this passage of scripture, is we are not to be anxious for tomorrow; about our life, what we will eat, drink or wear. We are to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness! This is our part! What's the promise?  The promise (God's part) is "and all these things shall be added unto you." We are to seek Him and His righteousness and are not to be anxious about our needs, but trust God for them, because He promises to provide them! (if we do our part)

No one knew my need tonight, no one knew about my prayer request, except for God, alone. Lol. He let me know tonight, ahead of my 8 a.m. appointment, that I set for tomorrow, to have my tires balanced, that HE was providing for the tires I asked Him for!

We serve a great God! His love for us is far beyond what we can think to fathom! He promises to provide for His children, those that love Him, who seek Him and His righteousness, who trust in Him!
He is God, He is able to do the impossible, the unimaginable, those things that only God can do!!! He is the Promise Keeper, our Provider, the Lover of our Souls! He takes great delight in His children and HE is worthy of glory, honor and praise! His love is far beyond what we imagine! He is Faithful! His love will never fail or run out on us! He says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love!"

If you're reading this, I'm praying for you to understand the depth of God's love for you! We get that, and it will be life changing! We will know Rest, because Rest is a Person.

Ephesians 3:18 says,
"And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is."

Romans 8:39 says,
"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

God's Perspective Is Vital!

The alarm clock rings, another day lies before us, God's perspective is crucial! God knows all things, every day of our life was written in one of His books before it came to be! Our circumstances, especially in difficulties, can be overwhelming, at times; we can become confused and lack understanding feeling like, "God what's happening, what's going on?"

Job may have felt this way! Job was a blameless and upright man. The scriptures say that he feared God and shunned evil. God had greatly blessed him! Yet, all the sudden his world was turned upside down!

Job 1:13-22 says,

One day when Job's sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house, a messenger came to Job and said, "The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, and the Sabeans attacked and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!" While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, "The fire of God fell from the sky and burned up the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!" While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, "The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!" While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and said, "Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house, when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!" At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing. (Wow! Worship was Job's first response!)

If all this wasn't enough, in chapter 2 Job was then also "afflicted with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He took a piece of pottery and scraped himself as he sat among the ashes. His wife said to him, 'Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!' Job replied, 'You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?' In all this, Job did not sin in what he said."

Job was wrestling with what was happening to him; he didn't have God's perspective. But I don't think Job's wife's perspective was very helpful to him do you? Of course, Job's friends thought they knew God's perspective, they told him to confess the sin in his life, but Job could not find any sin to confess. Job was surrendered to God's will, but God's perspective would have brought peace and rest through the storm. Read chapter's 1-2 and get a little of God's perspective as to all God was doing in Job's life. God had a purpose! He was testing Job! This perspective would have been helpful for Job to know upfront!

Jim's passing from death to life was of no surprise to God! It was to me, even though he'd been sick, I must have been in denial; I didn't expect for him not to return home. I was numb, in shock, but I did the only thing I knew to do: I ran into the arms of God morning and night, again and again and sought His perspective, His wisdom, His counsel that I might adjust to all He was purposing to do in me and through the circumstances. His Spirit bore witness to me, daily, through His Word, as I continue to seek to adjust to all He was and is purposing to do through my circumstances.

God's perspective is vital in our day to day lives! It's the difference in peace and confusion. When we don't understand what's happening to us, we can go to God and ask Him to show us, to give us His perspective, wisdom and insight.

When we face difficult circumstances the Spirit of God will take the Word of God and speak truth to us; God will give us His perspective if we will draw near. Ask and God will respond, He will speak to us through our circumstances and His Word. God knows what His purposes are. What's important is for us to know, so we can adjust to what God's doing! A life that's fully surrendered to God will not ask, "Why?" but will ask: "Father, how do I need to adjust to what you are doing in my life right now?"

Job's first response, being one of worship and complete surrender, is awing, but what Job needed was God's perspective, so he could adjust to what God was doing. It would not have taken away the grief of the loss, but it would have brought peace and understanding in the middle of the devastation. God's perspective is vital! 

God whispers before we rise, "I have loved you with an everlasting love, come away with me!" His Spirit in us is His deposit of His love and a witness to our own spirit that we are sealed in Him for glory! Will He not want us to ask, in surrender, how we can adjust to what He's doing in our lives today? 

If God has spoken to you today through this, respond to Him in prayer! Prayer is a relationship with the Living, Eternal God and oh, how He longs for you to come to Him with everything! I'm praying for you! May you know God's peace today! Peace is not a place, it's a person! He is our Peace and our Rest! We find them in Him!

1. Seek (intimate, love relationship)
2. Ask
3. Adjust

If God chooses not to tell you what He's doing, at this moment,  rest in His love, know He has a purpose for His silence; continue to seek Him and abide in the love relationship. If you are abiding in His Word, walking in obedience to His truths, He will instruct you in His will and in His ways, you can rest in His care!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Getting Something Different When You Pray?

Have you ever found yourself praying for something and find God giving you something different than what you ask for? Maybe, you continued to pray and God continued to give you something else. This morning I was reading in Mark 2 and a man got something different than what he asked for from Jesus. Jesus had just healed a man with leprosy at the end of Mark 1 and so chapter 1 begins,

"A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and He preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus, because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son your sins are forgiven."

These four men were the best friends that this guy could have, they were, obviously, motivated, had no plans of giving up and were as creative as need be in getting this man to Jesus. They had a "whatever it takes attitude!" Their determination shows that they believed Jesus could and would heal him, if they could just get him there. The scripture says that Jesus saw their faith and said to the paralytic man, "Son your sins are forgiven." They came seeking for the man to be healed, but what did Jesus give him? He forgave his sins! What we know without this passage specifically saying so, is that the man on the mat had faith too and believed, because throughout all scripture, Old and New Testament, faith was required for your sins to be forgiven, to be counted as righteous. Jesus could have said, "Be healed," and the man gone away healed, (well), able to walk; but Jesus gave much more than was asked for ~ Jesus forgave his sins and the man went away healed and forgiven! Wow! He came to Jesus paralyzed and WALKED AWAY, but with eternal life!

Do we take the time to pay attention to what we're praying for and what Jesus might be trying to give us that's better? Maybe, we're asking God for something and don't seem to be getting it, but are we paying attention to what happens next, after we pray? Do we take note of what's beginning to happen? Are we tuned into what God might be trying to give us? It may be different than what we've asked for, but God might be trying to bless our socks off and we're only focused on what WE want. When we pray, we need to wait on God's response. Are we really paying attention to what God is trying to say to us? Or is the answer we want, the only one we view as a real answer? Prayer is not a one way conversation, prayer is a relationship. We, often, make it about ourselves, but it's about much more! Prayer is about a relationship with a Living God. If we take the time to learn what's on God's heart to do and pray about that, we will see God answer our prayers! When our hearts become one with Him, the passions of His heart will become our own and our prayers will be in line with His will!

John 15:7
"If you remain in me, and my Word remains in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you."(With every promise comes a premise; the premise is our part and the promise is God's.) God promises "if you remain in me and my Word remains in you" (that's our part), if we do our part, God promises, "ask whatever you wish and it will be given you." (His part) We are focused on what we want, but when we remain in the Lord and His Word, it will change "our wanter" and will align our desires with His; therefore, He can say, then, "ask whatever you wish and it will be given you."We will want what He wants!

Psalm 37:3-4 says,
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Notice here, that the premise, (our part), is to delight ourselves in the Lord, and then (His part), His promise, "to give us the desires of our heart," can be fulfilled. Desiring to be with the Lord, delighting ourselves in Him, takes a right relationship with Him. A life without sin, will desire to draw near to Him and we will take great delight in Him. Sin causes us to flee from Him, to go the other way. Again, when we are delighting in the Lord, it will be because our hearts are as one with His and He, then is able to say that He will give us the desires of our heart. Why? Because our hearts will be in unity with His!

Get close to God, spend time with Him and in His Word, become one with Him. I encourage you to keep a spiritual journal, because God will speak to you through His Word and when God of the Universe speaks to you, reveals truth to you, you will want to write it down to remember what He said. When a verse, a word or phrase or a whole passage of scripture stands out to me, in my daily reading, I don't just keep reading, I stop and meditate on it and think about how God's speaking to me through it. I ask myself, what changes I need to make to align myself with God's word and I respond back to Him in prayer. Then, I seek to apply what He's just spoken to me about; I make the needed change in my life and I record it in my journal.

God speaks through His Word, but are we listening? We, often, bound into the throne room of God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth and tell Him what to do, giving Him advice on how and when, as if we were god, ourselves. We allow time to control our lives, often, leaving little or no time for the love relationship with our Creator. We make our apologies and run off, believing more is better, filling our lives with so much we are weary and worn. Yet, the God of the Universe has a purpose and plan for our life, a plan for us to be apart of His redemptive plan to save a lost world! (But we, often, believe what we are doing to be more important.)

If we are aimlessly distracted by time and think more is better, Satan is winning the war! He's convinced us that we and everything else is more important than a relationship with God. I just have to wonder, what's going to be important when this life is over? This life and all we're working toward will be gone, it will be over! Will we have chosen the most important?

I John 5:1- 5 and 11-12 says,
"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out His commands. This is love for God: to obey his commands. And His commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."

"And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life."

Has God spoken to you through this today? What's He desiring you to do, what does He want your response to be? If He's spoken to you, will you respond to Him right now in prayer? How He longs to know you, more intimately. Prayer is a relationship! A love relationship with God is the most important thing you will ever do with your life! He invites you to come! What could be more important?

What God wants to give you is unimaginable, more than you can think to fathom! We cannot even think to ask all He wants to give us!

Ephesians 3:20-21 says,
"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen."

Only the Spirit of God knows what God wants to do in and through your life! Want you let God give you what He wants you to have? Trust Him, He's trustworthy! You can rest in His goodness! He wants to bless your socks off! To know Him, intimately, is the greatest blessing of them all!