So many people are hurting right now and going through hardships! The more I hear, the more I'm glad for my own problems! Though, at times, my problems have seemed unsurmountable, God is leading me through them . . . I'm watching God bring the victory one by one! He's stretching and growing my faith and I'm truly enjoying him being so very present and close.
When we are going through difficulties, we may feel we are all alone; that no one else understands our struggles or what we are going through. You might wonder if anyone really cares. But you are not alone, God not only sees your difficulties, and understands, he hears your cries and promises to deliver the righteous from ALL their troubles. But if you are always doing your own thing and ignoring him, you're not going to recognize and enjoy the benefit of his presence or his deliverance. We can read over these, quickly, and miss our responsibility, as we read them. Look for it, who does God do these things for? Is it anybody? Check it out!
Psalm 34:6 says,
"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them."
Psalm 34:15 says,
"The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry."
Psalm 34:17 says,
"The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from ALL their troubles."
Psalm 34:19 says,
"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them ALL."
These promises are promised to those that fear (respect) the Lord and the righteous. None of us are righteous in and of ourselves, God's word even says our righteousness is as filthy rags. So, who are the righteous? Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." Jesus was without sin, (he was righteous) Then Jesus died, in our place, for our sins and then it's a trade off! When we believe in him and accept his gift to us, we are claimed righteous, though we are sinners! How's that for a trade? If we truly believe in Christ then we will obey his truths. When we come to God on these terms then we are claimed righteous, then we become his children and there are ALOT of promises that pertain to us! So, work at your part and let God do his!
Are you at a crossroads in your life and looking for direction. Maybe, you're just weary of the trials that seem endless. God doesn't promise that a righteous man won't have troubles; he says he may have many, but check out God's part in this next group of verses! What does God do? What's his responsibility?
Psalm 32;8 says,
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."
Psalm 25;12 says,
"Who the is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the WAY CHOSEN FOR HIM."
Wow! Did you know God has a plan, a way chosen for you? Wait for it! Seek his counsel! Be patient!
If you are going through difficulties, don't be surprised by them, they aren't going to last forever, though, they may feel like it. God is allowing them for a purpose!
1Peter 4:12 says,
"Don't be bewildered or surprised when you go through the fiery trials ahead, for this is no strange, unusual, thing that is going to happen to you."
2 Corinthians 4:17 says,
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us and eternal glory that far out weighs them all."
If you're taking care of your responsibilities in the verses above, God will keep his! Posture yourself to hear his voice, to seek his instruction. Find a quiet place to pull aside from the business. When you don't know what to do, on your knees is where you will find your answers. Be patient! Get into his word, meditate on his truths, the ones that speak, specifically, to your situation; seek his face with all your heart and keep going back day after day. The more, intimately, you come to know him the more you will trust him with everything! (pain, frustration, problems, relationships, loss, grief, whatever you're going through.) You will begin to realize the trials are, actually, your greatest blessings and believe it or not, you'll get to where you look forward to the intimacy that you find in the midst of them. You will be able to know his will, to know his heart. Let him funnel you! Remember, God loves you more than you can think to imagine!
This too shall pass! It's not going to last forever. When God's purposes and plans are fulfilled through it, then they will fall away! In the meantime, relax, let God do what you can't and work on trusting him, completely. When you stray into, moodiness, anger or trying to fix this yourself, remind yourself of these truths and regroup, refocus and work on letting God be God. He's patient, he understands our fears and impatience . . . He's preparing you for the next step! Let him finish his work! Choose to enjoy the journey! I know it's not easy, but God is at work, his timing makes perfect! Choose to have expectant hope! Praise God for all he's about to do! Hang in there!
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