God's Word is filled with wisdom, advise and counsel that allows us to walk in His designed freedom! But to walk in the blessings that His Word, His commands, were designed to give us, they have to be applied! We have to live and walk like Jesus did, in His Word, obeying His commands to know and experience their value! We have the privilege in our country, to live out our beliefs and to hold the Word of the Living God in our hand, to follow it's counsel. That, alone, is a great blessing we take for granted!
We can thread the Word of God through our minds without a conscience thought of application, our mind in another place, day dreaming and not be changed or any better for it. God's Word isn't a task to check off our to do list! If it has become a task, required by guilt of the conscience, that can be changed! Take heart, my friend, you are not alone; we can ask God for a passion for His Presence, a hunger for His Word and a heart that runs to obey! If that's His desire for us, will He not grant us that request when we ask? Ask Him! Application brings great blessing! A passion and a hunger cause us to dig for the treasures hidden in His Word and to hide His Word in our heart, that we might not sin against Him! They are words for life! We begin by asking Him for the desire and the ability to understand and uncover it's treasures, to see its application and to apply it! Oh, how I'm praying for you my friend! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!
It's mid-June already and I've got a 2005 GT Convertible PT Cruiser and two ATVs to sell and, now, the beginning of summer, is the best time to do it! (Just wasn't getting any response.) So, I turned to 2 Chronicles 20 and followed Jehoshaphat's example. I sought and inquired of the Lord, I fasted and prayed and spent the weekend praising the splendor of His Holiness, believing in advance that He would act on my behalf, just like Jehoshaphat! Monday and Tuesday I was still, poised with expectant hope, to watch all He was about to do! God with me, is my greatest blessing!
Yesterday, He assigned me the job of washing all the vehicles and I laughed and praised Him as I did it! Kathy, my mail lady, came by as I was washing them and asked me about the vehicles, what I was going to do with them. And the next thing I knew God had worked in her heart and she brought 3 different people to my door by 6:30 last night. One interested in the Convertible PT Cruiser and the others interested in the ATVs. So, since God told me this was going to be a positive day, in more than one way, before I ever got out of bed this morning, I am looking to Him with expectant hope! He is worthy of praise, glory and honor! He is "God with us" and He has not left me or ever forsaken me in any way! I'm so grateful for all He's done for me and continues to do!
Today I'm singing praises of the splendor of His Holiness, like Jehoshaphat, moving forward as He directs and watching for Him to do what I cannot! For the past 6 months, He has chosen to care for me in a way that I could never say I did it, He's made sure of that! Will He not do this too?
If you are at a place in your life that you don't know what to do, follow Jehoshaphat's outline in 2 Chronicles 20! It's one thing to read it, my friend, it's another thing to do it! Do you believe in God enough to APPLY His Word? God's Word can be the most exciting part of our day! Our hunger, our thirst, our passion and obedience come by asking Him for them! It doesn't have to be a dreaded task, we can grow to love it so much, that hours pass by in our awe! If you haven't read the previous blog on 2 Chronicles 20, called "Searching For Direction? Need Intervention?" Check it out, it's a good passage to meditate on and study! Applied it can be life changing!
And this is my prayer for you:
"That your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ ~ to the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-10
I'm praying for you!
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