The Challenge!

The Challenge: To take our nation back one heart at a time!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

To Go With God Requires Sacrifice and Change

As believer's we all look forward to God speaking and giving us the big assignment. The problem is that when God speaks and gives us an assignment it always requires big changes! We, often, don't want to move out of our comfort zone, but to follow God we can't stay where we are.

Since a God assignment is always only what God can do, it will look too big, as we look at our ability and resources, but if we choose to believe God will do what He says He will do, in us and through us, we will respond in faith. We will have to make big adjustments to follow Him in obedience.

When Jim and I felt God was calling us to return to Homer, Alaska to help plant a church, first we had to believe it was God speaking to us and that He would do what He said He would do, to respond in faith. We, also, had to believe God could use us to be apart of what He was planning to do. We had no experience, but only God's call. It was big deal! We would have to leave family and friends behind, move 4,933 miles away from where we were. We would have to believe God would provide for us to make the move, as well as provide housing and jobs. There were alot of adjustments to make. He told us where we were going, but we had to trust Him to provide housing and jobs when we got there.

We felt led to pay off all our bills before going and to have a moving sale to down size. By making these adjustments, we were putting faith in action. We were believing and acting on that belief that we had heard God speak and that He would use us to be apart of what He was planning to do. We always want to move from the hearing of the assignment to doing it, but there are always adjustments to make and God always brings the character up to the assignment.

Abraham had to make huge adjustments in what he was doing to follow God. He was living in Ur and would have to leave all his goals and dreams he had there behind. He had to leave family and friends, huge sacrifices were made to do God's will. There was much he had to do before, actually, setting out for the place God said He'd show him. He would have to decide what to do with what he was leaving behind and prepare for travel that which he was taking with him. Adjustments take time!

Unlike us, Abraham didn't know where he was going! Ever set out to go somewhere, but didn't know where you were going? This wasn't a surprise birthday party, "Cover your eyes, we're going for a short ride, open your eyes!" This was leaving for life, and moving to a place you didn't know, to do what God you'd never done before; trusting God to reveal His will, one step at a time! This was a big deal!

To go with God requires faith! Faith requires action, believing God will do what He said He'd do and that He can do it through you! It requires big changes, total surrender and it requires obedience, no will of your own, but simply to follow His desired will. We all want the big assignments, but are we really willing to make the big sacrifice, to move out of our comfort zones, to leave so much behind?

Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Gideon, the disciples, Paul, etc. all had to sacrifice and leave what they were doing, their plans, their goals, their lives and make huge changes to obey and follow all God was asking them to do. God given assignments require big change, you can't stay where you are and go with God. Doing God's will, will have great costs and require big sacrifices, but ask anyone who's done it and they will tell you, it was worth it all!

To go with God is to know His Presence and to witness God doing what only He can do! God shows you Himself, in ways you've never seen Him! You get to see Him as Provider, because God always provides for what He's doing! The sacrifice is a great, but the blessings far out weigh the sacrifices! May God bless you, as you seek to follow Him in full surrender to His will!

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