When Moses agreed to join God in a task that was far beyond his own ability, He got to experience God doing something only He could do! (But so did those around him) His brother Aaron, Pharoah and his army, the Egyptian people, the Israelites; all got to see God at work in and through Moses, doing something only God could have done. Mose was just the channel through which He did it! Moses was God's mouthpiece, His hands and His feet!
Pharoah experienced what only God could do through the signs and miracles Moses did before him; as well as the plagues, which God turned on and off at His will. God would announce the consequences for not letting His people go and it would happen just as God said.
The Egyptian people experienced God through the going and coming of the plagues, but, also, being plundered by the Israelites. God said they'd plunder the Egyptians when they left; the women were to ask for clothing and articles of silver and gold. Don't you wonder, after the Israelites left, if the Egyptians asked themselves, "Why did we give them all that?"
The Israelites were told by Moses, what God said He was going to do before He did it and then got to experience God fulfilling all He said He was going to do. They experienced more harsh treatment at first, but God had mercy on them. They experienced the plagues happening to the Egyptians, but not in their own towns. (Think about that a minute! That's amazing in itself) They experienced the Egyptians giving them clothing and articles of silver and gold, as God said they would. They, also, experienced God opening up a road through the Red Sea and walking across on dry ground, as the Egyptian army was pursuing them; at God's command the waters returning to their place taking the Egyptian army out with it. There was the manna and quail and water from a rock. Clothes that didn't wear out! Moses and the people around him were impacted as they experienced God doing only what He could do. They experienced God's Presence with them!
People, often, look at God's people today and may see them doing nice and kind things; but, how is the world going to get excited about God, if we aren't joining Him in any activity that is beyond our own ability and resources? When people see God at work, and come face to face with Him, by experience, they believe! They come to know Him as the Living God, present with us!
Are we at a point of faith and obedience in our Christian walk that we would be willing to abandon our life, our wants and dreams, to join God in what He's doing to save a lost world, that only He could accomplish through us? When God's character is revealed to the people around us, by experience, they will believe and be saved! Are they coming to know Him by His living presence in our lives? Are we allowing the wow of God to be seen in us?
God is doing something in my life right now that only He could do! He is impacting those around me for His glory! He is doing the unimaginable, the unexplainable, that could only be of God! People have tried to explain it away, but you can't ignore the impact of the unimaginable! He is impacting lives! He's impacting me! I am in awe of His amazing love and what He's done for me! When God is experienced people's lives are changed! I will never be the same! It's impacted my sister, my niece, my cousin. It's impacted my friends! (Not me, God, God is doing the impacting!)
I want to spend the rest of my life, in full surrender, joining God, in what only He can do, but I need God's help to do that! If you're like me, I can want to be a living sacrifice, but be found crawling off the altar. It will requires faith to join God in His activity, it will always be bigger than us, it requires faith. Faith requires action! God's work will not be something I dream to do for God, it will not be in my ability or with my resources, but in Him, alone. Daily, I will need to look for His activity, to be able to join Him in what only He can do! It will mean laying down my life, my dreams, my self centeredness and focusing on His will, what He's doing, being God centered! It will mean adjusting my life, daily, to Him!
I cannot cause a person to be inquisitive about the things of God, but when I see someone asking questions, like my mail lady and my cousin, I know God is at work, doing what only He can do; He's drawing them! (I need to drop what I'm doing and be apart of what He's revealing to me that He is doing!) When I see someone like my sister and my niece on fire for God, young in the Lord, digging in the Word and asking questions, I know this is God at work, something only He can do! It's my invitation to drop what I'm doing and to join Him! He's doing it, not me, He alone is glorified!
A life sealed in God's Spirit, walking in obedience to His truths and in complete surrender to His will is a powerful life! Ordinary people like you and like me, are extraordinary because of God in us! We are here as a living testament that God is alive and came to save the lost. We are to be a channel in which His love and forgiveness can flow to a lost world! Have we heard the call or are we, distracted by many things?
As a believers in Christ, we are the armies of the Living God! Our response to our daily struggles speaks louder than our words, it tells others what we really believe about Him! What do our actions and responses to this life tell others we really believe? Do we really believe God can do something in us and through us, that goes far beyond our abilities and resources? If the people around us are only seeing what we can do, they are seeing us, not God! Experiencing God, through us and in us, doing what only He can do, brings the "wow factor" right into the lives of others and they will never be the same, when they come face to face with the LIVING God!
Are we moving beyond self centeredness to make ourselves available to do what only He can do? Is our love relationship with God impacting the lives of those around us! It should be, what happens in worship doesn't stay in worship! God's Presence in our lives should wow those around us and cause them to question the hope we have in Him! People are looking for hope, for answers! Truth and Hope are a person, we need to let His Presence in us, been seen by others! It will be life changing!
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