I''ve made a move across country to start a new life ~ alot of changes and more to come, but, God is my stability. The word stability means: firmness of position; permanence or continuance without change. God is my assurance, my security because He is the One thing in my life right now that hasn't changed!
1 Samuel 15:29 says,
"He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man, that He should change His mind."
Wow! Stop and mediate on that verse for a minute! I think about how fickle and "wishy washy" we can be as humans, but our God is immutable, He is unchanging!
In my move, I've moved from a place of wide open spaces, beautiful scenery and solitude to a big, busy city. I've moved from a location that was 10 minutes out from a small, quiet town that had one traffic light with the nearest mall being one and a half hours away! There were only 2 other houses on our dirt road in Teton Valley, Idaho and one was lived in only 3 months out of the year, the other only a couple weeks in the summer ~ I could hear the silence, there was no traffic; there was solitude to be found as Chessie and I took our walks.
Change! I took Chessie to walk on Sunday and realized it was gonna be different. Chessie would have to be on a leash. We'd need a pooper scooper too; we'd be walking on sidewalks. Chessie and I covered two blocks and passed, probably 20 houses, before running right into the middle of a really loud domestic dispute that was turning violent. Change! Alot of change!
I'm seeking God for direction: a job, a church, ministry ~ a new life! All this can be overwhelming, but doesn't have to be. There's alot to do, but one thing is necessary, just one thing is above all the rest and will hold true and be necessary! Every day for the rest of my life, as long as I draw breath ~ I want to put my relationship with God first. The changes, the business, the need for job, church, ministry I can allow them to crowd God out. He is a daily choice! I will have to purpose to begin my day with Him and choose to keep Him at it's center every day, all day. Life doesn't get too busy for my need to find solitude and rest in Him, it only causes me to need Him more ~ He's my anchor, my stability ~ He keeps me steadfast!
The word steadfast means: steady, firm, constant, immoveable and unwavering. If I'm going to be steadfast in anything, I want to be constant in my intimate and close relationship with the Lord ~ not just when trials, stress or change move into my life, but every day. This morning, it's 4:30 a.m., as I begin this blog, even this busy street, all is silent ~ nothing's moving. The house is quiet, there's silence. I need the solitude, this time alone with the Lord and in His Word, to hear His voice ~ to seek His face, to know His will for the day ~ to get His perspective. Otherwise, I will move into my day choosing to go on feelings and find confusion in the many choices. We make many every day ~ for me, at the moment, there's many directions I can take in this day ~ but the best one, begins on my knees!
Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to mind: "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
God is all I need, He is still enough: we look to our own understanding, our own discernment, but His Word promises that if we trust in Him with all our heart and don't look to our own reasoning, but to Him, that He will make our paths straight! This time alone with God is the most important thing I will do today! If I accomplish nothing else, but choose to really connect with Him, I've succeeded.
You may say, "Girl, you need to get yourself a job, you are prayed up, hit the ground running!" I understand and I get it, I sense that need too! But I have to tell you, my friend, I've learned by experience, my best move in any day, in any circumstance, is to rise before it's necessary on any given day and to "hit the ground on my knees". We will choose that as our first move, when we really believe that we can have a real and intimate relationship with the Living God and when we believe He acts on our behalf. Where we put Him in our day and in our lives, shows us what we really believe about Him!
Is He prominent in our lives, preeminent or non existent?
My God supplies all my needs! He can make a way for me, He moves on my behalf. I've got to tell you, if we're going on my resume and what Sheryl can do, I'm in deep trouble; but my God can do all things! He's held me fast, He's been my anchor through the loss of my husband, soulmate and best friend. He's counseled, guided and comforted me; He's provided and given me strength. He sustained me, when I felt I couldn't go on. He's taken the time to let me know, in great detail, the extent of His amazing love! (It's far beyond what we could think to imagine!)
I challenge you today, my friend ~ put God first, right up front, at the very beginning of your day! Make time for Him and choose to let Him be God, it will be the most important thing you do today. Make time to really be still, to breath in His truths and to hear what's on His heart ~ to truly know Him!
We were created to seek Him ~ we were created with a void that was meant to be filled with Him alone!
We choose what's important every day by our focus ~ what we really want to do, we do! How important is God to you? Is He first or is He last? Do you make time for Him or just feel guilty that you don't have time? There are 24 hours in every day and we can take control and make Him important or we can let time control us. More is not better ~ business doesn't make us important! Let's choose to simplify our lives ~ let's choose to put God first and watch Him work on our behalf to do those things only He can do.
I love you, my friend! Are you too busy? I'm too busy not to spend this time with Him! All my choices today are mind boggling, there are too many and it all adds to confusion ~ I choose to simplify, to be still before His throne, to begin in His rest ~ I can do without sleep, but I can not do without Him! I can forego the TV and go to bed earlier, but I need an Anchor today, an Anchor that holds!
Let God be your Anchor! Won't you choose Him? Put the Lord at the first part of your day and let His Presence go with you all day to simplify your day ~ to bring rest, right in the middle of the chaos! He is unchanging, He's steadfast and He is an Anchor that holds! He will hold you through it all!
May God bless your day!
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