We have so much to be thankful for, each and every day! There seems to be so many going through so many hardships, but even for those of you that may be struggling ~ even in the face of difficulty, there is soooo much to be thankful for, we are so blessed!
Even in my most difficult moment this year, God was blessing my socks off right in the midst of it all! He has not forsaken me or left my side, but often carried me; God has gone to great lengths this year to make sure I knew He was with me and that I could look to Him for ALL things! He has continued to provide for me in ways unimaginable and has lead me step by step and moment by moment. He truly has made Himself known to me, as my All in All! He has seen me through devastating loss; He knew my grief and was my Comfort. He provided my every need, daily, in unexplainable ways; He carried me when I thought I couldn't go on. He guided me when I didn't know what to do; He whispered to me in the night watches, when sleep would not come. He enveloped me, with Himself, when my heart was broken and seemly was all alone. He showed Himself to be the Lover of my soul, when I felt love had been lost. When I could get up, He lifted me; when I was downcast, He caused me to soar! When my life seemed to be turned upside down, in His steadfastness, He held me ever so close! He has remained my Stablizer, my Comforter, my Provider. When I lost the embrace of the love of my life, God's embrace and love was seen to be far greater! I am so richly blessed!
I'm so thankful for God's compassion for each one of us ~ because, even when we were His enemies, in sin and far from Him, He humbled Himself, in His great compassion ~ a Holy God did the unimaginable, He sent His One and Only Son to die in our place! He made a way for us that we might be reconciled to Him and be able enter into the Holy of Holies, making it possible to have an intimate and ongoing relationship with a Holy God, to know Him as Father! This is the greatest blessing of all! In His unconditional love, His Son who had never sinned, both man and God, chose, in obedience to God His Father, to willingly lay down His life that we might be saved from eternal death and be raised to eternal life! His sacrifice was enough, there's nothing required of us, nothing we can do to save ourselves, He did it all! We cannot be good enough, we have only but to accept God's sacrifice Lamb as our own. To come to God on His terms, is simply to recognize our own sin, our need for a Savior and to accept what Jesus did on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all, more specifically us! It's finished Jesus paid it all!
If you haven't, won't you accept Jesus Christ's substitutionary death, as your offering for your sin? His blood was shed on our behalf; there's nothing left for you or I to do, but to believe what God has said as Truth and receive His forgiveness. It is by grace through faith that we are saved, not of ourselves! We cannot earn entrance into heaven or be good enough ~ all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! We have to come to God on His terms. To make up who we believe God is and what we think we much do to be welcomed by Him is living by what we might call our own truth. Our salvation is found in His Truth! Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father, except by Me." What Truth do you live by, yours, your opinions, self made religion or by God's Truth?
There is only One Living God and He has clearly shown us the Way! What will you choose? To be your own god or to summit to Him and let Him be God?
May God bless you and yours today as you ponder all the many blessings God has bestowed on you! Happy Thanksgiving and God bless
Oh, the blessings that are made known to those who have a grateful heart ~ they are uncountable!
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