The Challenge!

The Challenge: To take our nation back one heart at a time!

Friday, March 16, 2012

"Where's That Kitty?"

Chessie, our dog  and "HER kitty", Jake have a game they like to play that is quite hilarious ~ it requires the tall, thick grasses of summer, that grow along side the dirt road we live on. Chessie loves the outdoors! When she's told we're going for a walk and I say, "Where's your kitty?" She knows she's free to move from her position at my right heel and go find Jake. It means that I'm going to be walking on our road and she is free to run up and down the road, to scout for Jake or to join me ~ her choice.

Jake's up all night hunting, so he sleeps the morning away, in his bungalow, in the top of the house; but comes out, sleepy eyed, around noon and can be found on his perch by the window with a view of the Tetons. How is that for spoiled? In the afternoons, during the winter, Jake walks the miles of buck rail fence, that surrounds the house, in all directions, to avoid the deep snow. But, in the summer when the weather is nice, Jake can be found lounging or rolling in the green grass, usually, under the shade of a bush or tree.

As I walk up and down our road, Chessie is free to run and play, till she hears that one word, "heel"; then she knows she is required to show up at my right heel, IMMEDIATELY. This is done for her safety, to protect her from the wildlife, she might not be aware of: fox, coyote, wolves, moose and even, eagles that could carry her off ~ and local traffic; also, to protect her when we venture onto the busier streets, to keep her safe.

The GAME they like to play begins when Jake shows up. If Chessie hasn't already located him around back, he tends to show up unannounced and is, often, seen sitting in the middle of the road, close to the driveway. When Chessie spots Jake, she runs full speed ahead, sometimes, even, running into him, Lol. Chessie can be a little rough, as a welcoming party, but she isn't trying to be, she's just a little ditzy and excited to see Jake.

Jake has come up with 4 responses to Chessie's rough welcoming techniques: 1. to lay down, just before Chessie get's to him (she, then, just leaps over him) 2. Jake crouches and just before Chessie gets to him, he jumps high in the air and she runs under him (wondering where he went) Lol. 3. Jake retreats to the top of the buck rail fence with Chessie following him below 4. (my favorite) Jake darts, quickly, into the high grass with a zig zag approach and stops and crouches (being very still) as Chessie passes him by. Chessie, then looks like a jack rabbit, jumping and leaping, (appearing above the tall grass with every leap) back and forth, up and down, through the ditch, along the side of the road, looking for Jake. Lol. By now, Jake has waltzed, quietly, back on the road, and is sitting down, (often at my feet) his eyes are focused on Chessie's every move. I have to laugh, it's comical, to watch Jake's head going up and down, back and forth as he follows Chessie with his eyes and Chessie's no wiser. She knows what she knows, "He went into the grass, He's got to be here, somewhere." I can call to her and say, "Chessie! Where's your kitty?"trying to get her attention, but she doesn't look up or she'd see him sitting at my feet. Only one word, "heel" will break her focus of searching and leaping and cause her to look at me. (Of course, then she sees him, at my feet and comes running full force again toward Jake) and the game begins again as Jake is free to choose his next response. This game has been played many times, but the consequences are the same, Chessie doesn't seem to learn from the past experiences.

Don't we, often, take the same approach, of knowing what we know, the same reactions to a similar deception. It may be time for a different approach! Just as Jake likes to busy Chessie and then be entertained by her endless running ~ Satan seeks to busy us, and be entertained as we run to and fro, unaware of his tactics, not realizing his deceptive ways, like Chessie, none the wiser. He fills our life with business and stress and with endless distractions.

Let's wise up, life doesn't have to be so busy and we don't have to be so stressed out! It's time to stop the insanity! To take our lives back! To walk in the garden, in the cool of the day, with our Maker. Our endless running doesn't MAKE US MORE IMPORTANT, it's a deceptive tactic, to keep us from doing WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT! We know what they are: God, spouse, children, church and relationships ~ you know ~ those things we don't have time for anymore!

Jim and I both have had an opportunity to talk to people on their death beds, many times. It's interesting, the job, position, the car, the new house or the plaques, trophies and degrees have no importance at that point. It all comes into focus then, what's really important! If they are going to matter more then, let's make them important now!

Let's take our lives back! Ask yourself, if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would matter to you today? That question is more important than you think ~ think about it! Who would you want to hug? What would you want to make right? What would you want to say? Who would you want to make sure knew Christ? How would you change your time spent with family? Do it today, don't wait, till your time is limited or has run out. (Our culture may have grown busier, but we can choose not to follow.) Don't be deceived by Satan's ploy! When we begin our day with the Lord, He makes room for the important!

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