We got our dog, Chessie, at 6 weeks old, when we were off work during our off season feeling we'd have the time to train her. Our older cockapoo, Precious, was a social butterfly and just the perfect dog, but was 10 years old and we were hoping she would help us train Chessie. Precious had such a sweet spirit, easy going, gentle, loved people, she never met a stranger. She took Chessie under her wing right away, but did avoid the wrestling matches that Jake and Chessie are so fond of.
Precious had grown up around a house full of people, so she went from lap to lap, to share her time. Lol. (Always careful to not leave anyone out) When Chessie came along it was just Jim and I and her kitty, Jake; a parrot named Zowie (an African Grey) and a cockatiel named Sassy. Chessie was so loving and out going with us, I never thought about her not being around alot of people and being afraid, till some friends came to visit for a week and Chessie, growled and hid under the couch, shaking. We were shocked! She came across as mean, but actually, was so afraid she was trembling. I felt so sad for her and felt we had done her an injustice, without realizing it. We live out and away, so she wasn't around alot of people like Precious had been all those years.
The first time we went on a trip and Chessie went to the kennel, I thought, "This will be good for her, she'll be around alot of people." Precious loved the vet and she was so out going that the vet let her stay out in the waiting room because she was so good with all kinds of animals, adults and children. They called her their greeter. One time when they didn't have any openings at the kennel for Precious, the vet's daughter, said, "Oh, it's Precious, I'll take her home with me." So, I was glad for Chessie to go and be around alot of people, she'd be in the same kennel with Precious and I knew Chessie would love the "in office kitty" and felt Precious being with her would help.
I was excited to hear how Chessie did when we got back from our trip, it was the first thing I asked. "Oh, Precious is such a social butterfly, everyone just loves her and she gets along so well with everyone!" was the response. So, I asked again, "How did Chessie do?" "Okay" and they changed the subject. I felt so bad, as I questioned them more directly, they didn't really know Chessie, "she was afraid of everything" and "didn't want to come out of her kennel" and "when she did she hid under the desk". No one was seeing the loving dog I knew, she literally, trembled when I called her out from under the desk, when I went to pick them up. I was glad the staff got to see her response to me, to see how loving and personable she could be. Chessie's so cute and sweet, a very loving dog, but she misses out on so much because of her fears!
Did you ever think about that? That our fears or insecurities could give the wrong impression to others about us or cause us to miss out too? We can be so focused on our insecurities that people take us in the wrong way. Maybe, as unfriendly, too serious, not enjoying the party (so we aren't invited back the next time). The vet looked forward to Precious coming and made an opening for her, when she really didn't have one, but Chessie was more of a chore. With each visit, Chessie is getting better and they are loving on her more, seeing that she's really sweet and that it's just fear and she is responding to the love. I take her with me alot for her to be around others and the mail lady always brings her a bone and now, Chessie will go out to greet her at the car ~ she doesn't like the bones, but goes now to be petted. We're making progress, but she still hasn't overcome her fears and misses out on alot! This past Sunday some kids wanted to play with her after church and she began to shake all over and, of course, they felt bad for her too. She missed out again! She loved playing with my grandkids, Lily and Caleb, when they were here for 9 days. She had time to get to know them.
Think about it ~ does fear cause you, at times, to miss out on God's blessings? God can help you change that if you will just ASK ~ He wants to help! Love casts out fear! God loves us and wants to help us overcome our fears! We can bring them to Him and let Him begin to melt them away and replace them with His peace! Admitting it's a problem and asking God for help is a good place to start! I'm praying for you!
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