All of us have mentors, people we look up to, who challenge us that we can be more than we are today! People's lives that cry out, "Here's the way, walk in it!" One of my mentors is the author and pastor, A.W. Tozier. His life's goal is hidden in his worship. This quote captivates who I want to be and his life makes me believe it can be accomplished!
Tozier once wrote this about those who pursue God,
"I venture to suggest that the one vital quality which they had in common was spiritual receptivity. Something in them was open to heaven, something which urged them Godward. I shall simply say that they had a spiritual awareness and they went on to cultivate it til it became the biggest thing in their lives. They did something about it.They required the life long habit of spiritual response."
Aiden Tozier was just man like you and like me, but he found himself, in who God created him to be. Aiden had an intimate relationship with God. Tozier was 17 years old at the time of his conversion and from that moment on, Tozier was in a continual pursuit of his God! He sought after Him daily! Aiden was fulfilling his purpose!
Though you might think his lack of formal education would bring limitations, for the passionate, young Tozier; Aiden knew no limits. Everything Tozier did sprung up out of his worship, his walk with God. Tozier once commented, "Work that does not flow out of worship is not spiritual work." He also said, "Labor that does not spring out of worship is futile and can only be wood, hay and stubble in the day that shall try every man's work." Tozier wasn't only passionate about his God, but also about the work God gave him to do! Tozier, wholeheartedly, believed that the strength of a man flowed from his prayer life. All Aiden Tozier was, his ministry and his writings, rose out of his time spent in fervent prayer before his Maker. He spent hours pouring over the Scriptures in study and in prayer and what God taught the man, the spirit brought to the masses in his sermons and writings. He authored more than 40 books in his life time. It was said that a man could get more out of one paragraph of Tozier's sermon, than the whole sermon of many.
His lack of education, Tozier took very seriously, as well as, the responsibility of honing the gifts and abilities God had given him to fulfill his calling. He spent hours reading and educating himself, polishing his speaking skills. Tozier learned alot from the writings of others and always seemed to have a book in his hand. He became known as an eloquent man, but wasn't lacking in faults either. Tozier was a lonely man; he was personable with only a few. To have friends, you have to be a friend and Tozier had chosen to be a friend of God. Even in his role as pastor, Tozier seemed to leave the elders of his congregation to shepherd the flock, claiming he needed to spend the time studying the Word and in sermon preparation. His congregations grew under his ministry; yet, he seemed to remain untouched by their personal problems. Aiden Tozier really lead a very simple and quiet life by choice.
A.W. Tozier had but one focus, one purpose . . . to worship his God and to allow Him to be the overflow into his sermons and writings. Tozier never focused on what he didn't do well, but chose to work at what God had meant for him to do, what God had called him to do. And he kept that focus in check!
Tozier's passion for God urges me Godward, he's definitely a kindred spirit! His weaknesses make it believable that God can use even me. His lack of education, shows me that God uses anyone who shows up and his prayer life simply unnerves me! Tozier challenges me! His life seems to cry out to me, "This is the way, walk in it! Plunge the depths of God!" I want to invite you along, to plunge the depths of God with me! Let's go deeper still!
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