The Challenge!

The Challenge: To take our nation back one heart at a time!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An Anchor That Holds!

It's a new day ~ another day to walk with the Lord and live in God's Presence! I don't know about you, but God alone, makes life doable for me! He is my Anchor, He holds me fast through the storms of life!

I''ve made a move across country to start a new life ~ alot of changes and more to come, but, God is my stability. The word stability means: firmness of position; permanence or continuance without change. God is my assurance, my security because He is the One thing in my life right now that hasn't changed!

1 Samuel 15:29 says,
"He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man, that He should change His mind."

Wow! Stop and mediate on that verse for a minute! I think about how fickle and "wishy washy" we can be as humans, but our God is immutable, He is unchanging! 

In my move, I've moved from a place of wide open spaces, beautiful scenery and solitude to a big, busy  city. I've moved from a location that was 10 minutes out from a small, quiet town that had one traffic light with the nearest mall being one and a half hours away! There were only 2 other houses on our dirt road in Teton Valley, Idaho and one was lived in only 3 months out of the year, the other only a couple weeks in the summer ~ I could hear the silence, there was no traffic; there was solitude to be found as Chessie and I took our walks. 

Change! I took Chessie to walk on Sunday and realized it was gonna be different. Chessie would have to be on a leash. We'd need a pooper scooper too; we'd be walking on sidewalks. Chessie and I covered two blocks and passed, probably 20 houses, before running right into the middle of a really loud domestic dispute that was turning violent. Change! Alot of change!

I'm seeking God for direction: a job, a church, ministry ~ a new life! All this can be overwhelming, but doesn't have to be. There's alot to do, but one thing is necessary, just one thing is above all the rest and will hold true and be necessary! Every day for the rest of my life, as long as I draw breath ~ I want to put my relationship with God first. The changes, the business, the need for job, church, ministry I can allow them to crowd God out. He is a daily choice! I will have to purpose to begin my day with Him and choose to keep Him at it's center every day, all day. Life doesn't get too busy for my need to find solitude and rest in Him, it only causes me to need Him more ~ He's my anchor, my stability ~ He keeps me steadfast!

The word steadfast means: steady, firm, constant, immoveable and unwavering. If I'm going to be steadfast in anything, I want to be constant in my intimate and close relationship with the Lord ~ not just when trials, stress or change move into my life, but every day. This morning, it's 4:30 a.m., as I begin this blog, even this busy street, all is silent ~ nothing's moving. The house is quiet, there's silence. I need the solitude, this time alone with the Lord and in His Word, to hear His voice ~ to seek His face, to know His will for the day ~ to get His perspective. Otherwise, I will move into my day choosing to go on feelings and find confusion in the many choices. We make many every day ~ for me, at the moment, there's many directions I can take in this day ~ but the best one, begins on my knees!

Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to mind: "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

God is all I need, He is still enough: we look to our own understanding, our own discernment, but His Word promises that if we trust in Him with all our heart and don't look to our own reasoning, but to Him, that He will make our paths straight! This time alone with God is the most important thing I will do today! If I accomplish nothing else, but choose to really connect with Him, I've succeeded. 

You may say, "Girl, you need to get yourself a job, you are prayed up, hit the ground running!" I understand and I get it, I sense that need too! But I have to tell you, my friend, I've learned by experience, my best move in any day, in any circumstance, is to rise before it's necessary on any given day and to "hit the ground on my knees". We will choose that as our first move, when we really believe that we can have a real and intimate relationship with the Living God and when we believe He acts on our behalf. Where we put Him in our day and in our lives, shows us what we really believe about Him!
Is He prominent in our lives, preeminent or non existent?

My God supplies all my needs! He can make a way for me, He moves on my behalf. I've got to tell you, if we're going on my resume and what Sheryl can do, I'm in deep trouble; but my God can do all things! He's held me fast, He's been my anchor through the loss of my husband, soulmate and best friend. He's counseled, guided and comforted me; He's provided and given me strength. He sustained me, when I felt I couldn't go on. He's taken the time to let me know, in great detail, the extent of His amazing love! (It's far beyond what we could think to imagine!)

I challenge you today, my friend ~ put God first, right up front, at the very beginning of your day! Make time for Him and choose to let Him be God, it will be the most important thing you do today. Make time to really be still, to breath in His truths and to hear what's on His heart ~ to truly know Him!
We were created to seek Him ~ we were created with a void that was meant to be filled with Him alone!

We choose what's important every day by our focus ~ what we really want to do, we do! How important is God to you? Is He first or is He last? Do you make time for Him or just feel guilty that you don't have time? There are 24 hours in every day and we can take control and make Him important or we can let time control us. More is not better ~ business doesn't make us important! Let's choose to simplify our lives ~ let's choose to put God first and watch Him work on our behalf to do those things only He can do.

I love you, my friend! Are you too busy? I'm too busy not to spend this time with Him! All my choices today are mind boggling, there are too many and it all adds to confusion ~ I choose to simplify, to be still before His throne, to begin in His rest ~ I can do without sleep, but I can not do without Him! I can forego the TV and go to bed earlier, but I need an Anchor today, an Anchor that holds!

Let God be your Anchor! Won't you choose Him? Put the Lord at the  first part of your day and let His Presence go with you all day to simplify your day ~ to bring rest, right in the middle of the chaos! He is unchanging, He's steadfast and He is an Anchor that holds! He will hold you through it all!

 May God bless your day!

Monday, September 17, 2012

God's Journey Mercies!

Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

This morning my eyes are on the Lord, looking to Him for the future, for the next step! I am excited about what He has in store for me, whatever it is!

I arrived in Columbus, Ohio on Thursday afternoon around 2 pm! I don't have internet service, where I am staying, temporarily, but was given the invitation over the weekend to "piggie back"by a neighbor. Lol. God continues to provide even the smallest of needs. I've been anxious to update you!

I am thankful to be here and for all of you that have prayed for me and followed me with your atlas. My GPS tried to hi-jack me and take me a short cut through the city of Columbus, like it did in Indianapolis. I was trying to avoid going through the cities, with a trailer in tow. Lol. The GPS lead me right into the middle of the construction in downtown Columbus with all it's detours. I've been told that most Columbus residents avoid downtown, at all costs ~ now, I know why!

I am so thankful for the help that was given in getting my car off the trailer and unloading the truck and getting it cleaned out and returned. I felt a total relief of responsibility when the truck and trailer were both no longer mine! Lol. I didn't mean to scare the people I did by the big "Yes!!!" that was yelled as I closed the door behind me! God's abundant grace and constant presence with me has carried me for months and He was ever present in my travels too. It was a bit intense at times, but He always saw me through!

Chessie is going through adjustments too! Her cousins, are 2 huge standard size poodles that are very loving and friendly, but friendly in that size can be intimidating, even by me! Chessie is adjusting better than expected, but does make her exit when "the boys," Jackson and Cody start to romp, bark and play. They sound like a herd of horses when running and look more like ponies, even to me. I imagine her perspective is a bit scarey, but she is adjusting.

I took the weekend to get unpacked and get settled and get a little rest. I really enjoyed visiting my sister and brother in- law's church on Sunday and getting to meet Liz, one of Jill's co-worker's I've been praying for. I think I cried through most of songs sung during the worship service ~  the words almost made me feel they had been hand picked for me! They really focused on the awe and greatness of our God!

I've found some job openings I'm interested in, so I've been putting together a cover letter and making a few changes in my resume this morning. God is Sovereign and it's all in His hands: where I will live work and minister. He has held me through it all and He won't stop now! I can fully depend on Him!

Psalms 32: 7-8 says,
"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you and watch over you."

I'm looking to the Lord to establish me, to guide and to direct. He's bought me with a price, I am not my own. I'm holding my life up to Him with an open hand ~ the "what's next" I've placed completely in His hands. I covet your prayers as I seek His face!

May God bless your day, as you seek to hold your life up to Him today, with an open hand! You may feel some resistance to let go and let God have control of your life, we all want control. We might find it easier to give control over in some areas than others.

Psalm 32:9-11 says,
"Do not be like the horse or mule which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him. Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart."

Psalm 33:20-22 says,
"We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us O Lord, even as we put our hope in You."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

God's Journey ~ A Day To Be Still!

Taking a day to be still ~

Chessie and I arrived in the little town of Crawfordville, Indiana last night ~ travel weary and needing a reprieve. Tuesday night's hotel guests in the room above us didn't need rest & were stomping around till 3 a.m. in the morning & then were up again at 5 a.m. when my alarm went off.  Lol. Yesterday, with only 2 and a half hours sleep was my hardest. I, literally, sang the words on signs to the tune of a nursery rhyme (Nick Nack Patty Wack) to get this far. Was just wiped out last night!
My stomach started giving me trouble night before last, thought it was the food at first, but know now, it is a need to de-stress.
Felt lead this morning, that it would be a good day just to be still and quiet. Sound crazy? You may be thinking, "Finish the trip!" I know, but as I prayed this morning and spent time with the Lord, I felt Him saying, "Be still." Lol. Activity and business are the watch words of our generation, our first response to anything & everything but to be still. We are so busy running to and fro, that when the opportunity arises to rest or to be still, we, actually feel guilty doing it! I can spend one day resting, or hours and money at the doctor's office for a prescription. Why ignore what's needed, just to be able to say, "I did it in five days!" What's the point?
This trip has been stressful, with the truck engine light coming on, the front tie down strap on the car I'm towing, coming off three times. There's been construction with narrow lanes with concrete block walls on both sides. With "no wide loads allowed."Complaining? No, I didn't, actually think I was that stressed. But yesterday with little sleep, brought a meltdown & I just know when it's time to "be still" renew and refresh! What's the hurry? One day, to be still and seek God's will ~ to know His Presence and to entrust the next chapter of my life unto His Sovereignty? It's called a relationship!
The Lord willing, tomorrow, Chessie and I will finish the last leg of our trip. Chessie's ready to be done! She use to love to go to ride, but we've taken it to new levels, so don't know that she will be so anxious to go for awhile. Wait till she sees the 2 loving standard poodles, her cousins, that look like ponies that are waiting to greet her in Ohio. Lol. They are both very loving and friendly dogs ~ Can't wait to see Chessie's response to their welcome! "Jackson" is a black standard poodle and weighs 95 lbs. dry and when on his hind feet with his front paws on my shoulders towers a head length above mine! (Chessie's had some culture shock of her own with the elevators, luggage carts and automatic doors & of course, a different room each night!) But wait till she sees the cousins! Cody is only 85 lbs.
I'm looking forward to hugging the necks of my family! Some of them that have called daily and some twice a day, for months, like my sister and my daughter, Jill and Aunt Jill.  I wish I was hugging you all tomorrow, but one day at a time, one step at a time! My love to you all! There are not words to express my gratitude to so many that have checked in on me, sent cards and letters and have been a part of what God is doing in my life. My thanks to each one of you!
"Chef Missy" sent along some of her famous granola with me on this trip! If you're ever in Jackson Hole, WY it's a must on the list of to do's. Missy takes granola to a whole new level! Love you Missy!
The Lord willing, we only have 221 miles to go tomorrow, till our final destination! Thanks for all the prayers and those of you that are texting & calling & following us with your atlas in hand! It's been more adventure than I would have ordered, but God has been with me all the way and so many of you, as well! Chessie sends her love! (She loved the long walk this morning!) We'll do it again this afternoon. May God bless you all!

Of Like Precious Faith,


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From The Majestic Mountains To The Open Plains

What great blessings we enjoy and take for granted by just being able to travel this great country of ours without question or visa ~ the freedom to rome it's highways and byways, yet we don't give that freedom much thought ~ we can take it for granted!
I'm making a move from Driggs, Idaho to Columbus, Ohio for now, trusting God to show me what's next. My husband, Jim went home to be with the Lord 9 months ago tomorrow and what happened next was amazing! You don't, expect to hear "amazing" following losing someone you treasure so deeply, but God met me in my deepest grief. He's taken the intimate relationship I've had with Him for years and has only driven it deeper through my loss. He's shown me Himself up close and personal. These months have been filled with great trials, but with even greater blessings! The trials are the opportunity to experience God's presence, His help, to know He is with you in every situation ~ to know He's got you. He's taken the time to show me, with great detail, that He is very present with me; it's been life changing for me.
Yes, my life won't ever be the same without Jim, the grief, at times has been unbearable, but God has met me, so personally, that even in those deepest hours of grief, when I had to be peeled off the floor, He  (God) met me in ways that caused me to soar. He's been my source of joy in the grief. To live in His presence and to serve Him is how I want to choose to live my life. I want to fill the vast void left in my life by Jim's absence with God. Only God can fill it ~ He, alone, is enough!
Life happens to us all ~ there are storms and problems, but He is our Anchor in the midst of them. We search for better times, for our dreams to be fulfilled and for happiness, but they are fleeting. True joy and peace is found in Him right in the middle of all that life brings our way. True joy is found in an intimate and on going relationship with the Living God.
I don't know how anyone could go through such loss without Him; He's has carried me, sustained me and met my every need. If we didn't have needs, we wouldn't know He could meet them. If we didn't have problems how would we know He was the solution.
This move has been filled with trials ~ I rented a moving truck & dolly to make a move across the country after selling all I could in a two day moving sale. Wearied from moving 2 floors of stuff outside for the sale, I watched God make it all go away. He is so faithful! There was packing of what little was left, more throwing away, cleaning the house from top to bottom and then the move itself.
Upon renting the truck and dolly, the sweetest couple loaded my car for me and showed me all the steps, tie downs and chains; He handed me my keys and said, "It's ready to go." Forty minutes later I arrived back in Driggs, at my house, with the car in tow only to discover that my car had not only had the emergency brake left on, but was still in park. (I'd felt no drag!)
Of course, my journey across country was delayed ~ insurance companies & paperwork. It was the holiday weekend and no one was available to come out and access the damages & take pics and etc. (Fully understandable) So, I tried to accept the delay, to take a different perspective ~ I chose to believe God was acting on my behalf and to take advantage of the time to get some much needed rest.
Thursday, was when the damage to my car took place, my church family loaded the truck for me while I made all the calls. Friday I was given the okay to tow the car to my mechanic and the engine light on the moving truck came on which added more calls. All on hold till after Labor Day, till the adjustors could agree on who was going to come the hour and a half to access the problem.
The house was all but empty, the truck loaded. I'd cleaned out the refrigerator, stopped the garbage service and turned off my internet service and now had no vehicle that was drivable. The insurance companies said, "No." to a rental. So, I chose to believe God wanted me to rest and took the holiday weekend to do so.
Our mechanic had always been a blessing, but was a God sent in this situation! He knew our car inside and out and he'd saved Jim and I money over and over again. This time he went over and beyond again and again. He did all the work on my car himself instead of letting one of his mechanics do the work. Aaron worked long hours, with the adjustor coming out 3 days in a row & both documenting every move. Aaron had to prove reason to take anything apart ahead and prove that the brakes, clutch, and differential were burnt out. He saved my bacon many times over! His ordering parts ahead saved me days and on Saturday when I was loading the last things on the truck and closing the door behind me, he was test driving the car and calling the moving truck company demanding they switch out the dolly for a full tow trailer at no extra expense. How many mechanics can you claim have your back in a situation like this? (Yes, I tipped him big!)
Saturday's departure was delayed by the time to change trailers, but once it was loaded, the long planned journey began. Sunday as I was coming into Laramie, Wy. the engine light on the truck came on again. There were more calls, to cover myself. I'd had it checked by my mechanic the first time only to find it was "a random misfire". With that information and no noices or changes in the engine, I was given the go ahead to continue with the light on.
The first night I'd spent in Rawlins, Wyoming, with the challenges of finding parking for the truck & trailer & hotel that was pet friendly. I'd started late and drove late which left me finding a room and parking hard to find.
The second day was met with construction and 12 miles of narrow roadway with concrete walls on both sides ~ I spent the night in North Platte, Nebraska and was really, unusually, wiped out that night. Chessi, my cockapoo, has found all the changes unnerving, but is adjusting.
The third day's challenges were some sleepiness around 11 am getting through all the interchanges in Omaha. The day ended with a stop for the night in a heavily congested area just on the other side of Demoine, Iowa. I'm glad I've been faithful to check the tie downs on the trailer for the car and all the chains and hook ups at every stop. Last night's challenge was finding a front tie down had come off one of the front tires of my car. God was good and provided two power electric guys willing to help.
Today's challenges only God knows, but it's 3:30 am and the people upstairs have been stomping around all night, so I expect sleepiness to be an issue. I want to get a jump on the work traffic and then there's Indianapolis to get through, the Lord willing. I'd like to get on the other side of Peoria today if I can. Well, it's 4:30 am and the alarm's set for 5. I say let's roll and stop for a nap when tired!
So many people praying for me, calling and texting! Several are following my journey across country by atlas ~ how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends and family! I am greatly blessed!
I miss my church family, my friends at Driver Provider and our mountains and the wide open spaces teaming with wildlife. But God is Sovereign and He makes us ready when He's ready for us to move on. I never imagined desiring to leave such a great place!
I've said good by to the majestic mountains and wide open spaces, crossed the opened plains and passed through the dust of the fields being harvested. Now, I'm moving in to the congested cities, road construction and interchanges. There's miles of open road behind me and before me and the blessing and freedom to choose anyone. Freedom is a huge blessing, that we need not to take for granted!
My greatest freedom is found in Christ! To live within His boundaries, His commands, bring freedom not imprisonment, they are not burdensome, but set me on a path to live within the joy of His intimate presence. Living in His presence, is a freedom that no one can take!
The journey I'm on is not mine, but the Lord's, because I'm not leading, but following. There's a peace that comes with letting go of the reigns, not having to be in control and trusting God to make a way for me ~ to establish me. I'm excited about this new chapter in my life! There is still the grief and missing Jim, but with God in the equation, the greatest trials, bring greatest blessings!
God is real and alive and can be known by experience, when we come to Him on His terms! He is a very present help in trouble ~ He is my All in All and without Him the last 9 months ~ well, I just don't know how people do it without Him! I am so grateful I don't have to!
May God bless your day and may you be aware of His presence with you ~

Sunday, September 9, 2012

He Is Sovereign Over Us

God is Sovereign over us, whether we accept it or not!

Acts 17:24-27 says,
The  God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man He made everything else. From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places they should live. 

Some versions say He sets their boundaries. God is changing my boundaries. I've been busy for weeks  going through everything, throwing out and preparing for a moving sale; then packing and more throwing away. By circumstances out of my control He moved my departure from  August 31 from our beloved Teton Valley to September 8th. I am missing our (my) church family in Wilson this morning. What a blessing they have been to me! God is writing a new chapter ~ He's taking me on a new adventure with Him.

I welcome His Sovereignty ~ I am His and long to be where He wants me to be, to do what He wants me to do. I miss Jim more than is even imaginable ~we take so much for granted! He's home now, though, and God is not finished here with me yet. I don't want to spend a life time grieving over what I don't have, but living every day to the fullest and for His glory!

I do not know where God will place me, but I will let it be of His choosing! I want to follow, not try to be god and lead. Following is not being indecisive, it is making a choice to be under His Sovereignty willingly without resistance. It's recognizing His Lordship and bowing a knee. It's understanding who He is and it's living in the freedom of His blessings over choosing to live for ourselves. Submission isn't always easy as far as the human will is concerned, but how simple it makes our lives to simply follow.

God never intended us to walk alone, but to live everyday in His Presence, to know Him intimately and to blessed by the simplicity of following in His steps ~ living the life He created for us.

May God bless your day! It's another day of travel for me as God is leading me east today toward a new place, a new life! Change isn't easy, but with God in the equation it is always an adventure!

Leaving from Rawlins, Wy this morning, with God as my guide!